Thursday 2 December 2010

Tokyo in the Autumn

I have a confession to make. Every year I kind of dread Autumn. Yes, it's beautiful and all that - and I do truly enjoy the colours and crisp air. BUT, for the last 10 years or so I've always had to do breathtaking amounts of raking, especially in Gifhorn, Germany. I often thought to myself, why do it - just leave it to lie around in the garden and enjoy it there too. Well, I did that once. It was like a beautiful yellow/red/orange carpet - for a week or two. And then it turned brown. And then it rained. And then it didn't look as great anymore. And then I thought it was time to rake. Well, it was a kind of slush and clung to the ground with all its might, tearing into bits as I tried my best to clear it up. Dry leaves are a lot quicker....but if you have a big garden, as we fortunately do in Germany, it can, well, take a while.... ;-)
Anyway, THIS Autumn is the first one which I can TRULY enjoy! No thoughts of raking. A relief from the hot humid summer we just made it's beautiful.
The countryside is jam-packed with trees on the mountains. And there, it looks like an amazing tapestry. And in the city...I have to say that I'm now a bit more aware of where the trees are. They're a brilliant yellow. Stunning. And I have absolutely no responsibility to rake. Just puuuure enjoyment! That is the bonus of living in an apartment!

I already posted some Autumn colours of the countryside. Here are some of our Noge Park where we play in the afternoons....