Monday 27 December 2010

Christmas 2010

For me this year, Christmas has been really full and very meaningful.

1) We celebrate Jesus' birthday. This is His day actually. Not Xmas. But CHRISTmas. We believe and remember that Jesus was born. He was fully God and fully man. He came to save us from our sins. And to give us hope. Hope in this life and the next. That is the biggest gift of all.
2) we really remember those who are suffering: those who have lost loved ones recently or even long ago. We remember both of Michael's parents; we remember our brother (and son to my parents), Michael.  We also remember those who are really ill at this time (Nia, Daisy, Nina, and many many others) who are fighting for their lives and also for their close family who have to find strength to manage their own fears as well as keep up and protect their hope which is so important to have.
3) we rejoice with those who are rejoicing: those who have recovered their health (Matt Chandler, Kate McRae), with those who have just had babies this year (Simon and Jane), those who are pregnant and expecting soon (Karl and Poo, Kath) or engaged (Carsten and Jenny).
4) we remember our parents in England, sister's family in New Zealand, Michael's family in Germany and my family in South Africa.
5) we remember our friends that we've made over many years who are also all over the world: South Africa, USA (Spains, Lefflers, Linos), England (too many to mention!), Germany, Holland, Finnland, Sweden, Denmark, Italy.
6) we celebrate with our little family and love the precious moments of just being together and doing special things.
7) we celebrate with our new friends here in Japan and are grateful for them too.

We love the excitement that Christmas brings to children and that children bring to the Christmas time.

Being in Japan at this time has 2 points worth noting:
a) it's not as desolate of Christmas cheer as one may think, but there is a scarcity of it. When you see a Christmas decoration, it does kind of stand out. But most Japanese don't celebrate it at all. It's a normal working day.
b) there is no Christmas traffic or stress or shop-jams. It was so nice to breeze through that part!