Wednesday 22 December 2010

views of Tokyo

These are some photos I took when we went to our "End-of Year-party" which our Japanese Language School organised. Btw: we had a great time: we participated in "tea ceremony" where you cup your cup in your hands and drink this (erm...less tasteful) green tea...bow...sip...look....very peaceful...not like at home!!
And my highlight was doing caligraphy that day. You know what: it's nothing like the caligraphy we know. Here, they use really thick paint brushes and have a big inkpad where the black ink is sweep your brush, only in single movements, and it come out with a really rustic result. Mine was, at any rate.

Anyway, here are some views of Tokyo. We were on the 35th floor right across the road from where the President has his residence. That's the photo with the helicopter pad in it.