Thursday 2 December 2010

1st Advent

On Sunday I hung up the girls' pixie Advent Calenders. I love them! They are just so full of character! They're from a Danish company, and so that always reminds me of my dear friend, Tine. Hi Tine! :-)

Anyway, dumb ol' me, who didn't grow up with the great countdown to Christmas (just not a cool South African thing to do....we're more interested in heading to the beach to eat an ice-cream in the hot sun. Now what would you choose? :-) 
So what was so dumb of me? Ah yes, I set up the Advent Calender which was DRIPPING with enticing, steal-me-now looking things hanging out of the little teeny weeny pockets. Mistake? Yes. Big one. I didn't think that the FIRST advent would only be until Tuesday. That was Sunday. Now imagine 2 little bodies with 4 little hands with 10 little chubby fingers, each one with a mind of their own wanting to reach up, find ANY means to GET UP theeeeeere...up up up theeeeere, where all those yummy/cool/sparkly things are! And our pixies hang right at the front door. We see them whether we're walking to the kitchen or back to the bedrooms/play area. We pass them constantly. They remind us constantly of their hidden surprises.
Poor kids. That's torture, I have to admit it myself. I'm a cruel mother! Well, maybe not cruel. Just stupid.
Michael was smiling at me and shaking his head....nope he said. Schmidt's advent was to start Monday morning, first thing. The little Schmidts couldn't hold off any longer than that.

And so it was....

Here they are after a gruelling afternoon, evening and night before where they were REPEATEDLY denied.... Try to imagine the suspense, imagine the ecstasy, the delight when they opened their first pocket....

Here are our two darling girls waiting ever so patiently, like little saints. Ag, they're so cute!

PS the cute kid with the helmet on...that's Evie and one of her "ticks". She HAS to wear that helmet.