Thursday 30 December 2010

Little gardens

When we went to visit Michael at his work, we strolled around outside for a bit to give the girls a bit of exercise. Within meters, we stumbled upon a lovely little Japanese garden.
Japanese gardens are not huge. But they're immaculately kept. They take such pride in keeping their greenery neat. The trees are trimmed (almost with nail scissors) and kept pristine. Anyway, I focused my camera more on the kids actually and some odds and ends. As we got there, Josephine announced she needed the loo. We didn't have the nerve to let her take a leak on/behind any of these precious plants, so Michael walked her a mile back to find a toilet. They were gone for about 30minutes. Meanwhile, Evie and I froze our butts off in the chilly wind but enjoyed the scenery very much. Evie was set on climbing into the water fountain and I had my hands full in keeping her life safe and her body dry.

Josephine sprinting back from the loo