Thursday 30 December 2010

Nuggets from Josephine

"Mamma! Mamma! Evie pulled this little pig out of a book (holding up a torn piece of paper with great fret written all over her face."
Me pulling wet washing out of the machine asking, "Well, which piggy do you mean (not packing the foggiest clue what she was talking about."
"Dat little piggy!!! Not da one dat went to da market. Not da one dat ate roast beef. It's dat one dat ran wee wee wee all da way home!"

Aha - then I knew what she meant.

As the piano teacher, Ayako-san, was leaving Josephine came running to say goodbye. She gave her about 5 big smooches right on the lips, hugged her continuously. Ayako-san was very touched and gave her great big hugs back. The Japanese are lovely with receiving.
Anyway, she then proceeded to start telling Ayako-san about "Kanoonas". A Kanoona is a great big monster. Some are fwiendly and some are weally weally dwangerous. So you must always be quite careful of Kanoonas. They come from America. Josephine is 100% convinced she lived in Amewica when she was just a teeny weeny baby. And that is where she saw the Kanoonas for the first time.
Ayako-san was giggling all the way through Josephine's very animated and serious expressions as she explained all about Kanoonas. But it took the cake when she induged us in delicate details of the Kanoonas digestive system ending with "....and den if dey eat too much sweet stuff dey get fat and den da Kanoona's body doesn't like it. And den it sends all da fat stuff to da skin and pushes it out....POP!! And DEEENN...and den, (big big eyes) dey have to go to da toilet and make big foofoo. And den dey must also wash deir hands. But sometimes da Kanoonas, dey just want to play and den dey push deir foofoo back up so dey can just do deir little fing."

We were in fits! Shame, she will surely kill me when she reaches a "sensitive" age. But I wish to remember these things for a) they're cute and b) who knows if I need an ace card to play or bribery of some sort.

Josephine is already starting to talk about plans for her 4th birthday. A) she can't wait to get bigger and B) she's totally obsessed with princess and ballerina stuff at the moment. This isn't something totally new, but it has accerated big time in the last month. So she dreams of inviting all her fwiends to a ball....
"Mamma! We just going to have a gweat big ball and we'll all be doing dancing and twiwling. And den (voice dropping in suspense, eyes huge), we're going to have a feast. We're going to eat a gweat big cake altogether. Da cake, we should get a pwincess cake, wif a coach and also a horse. And I also want Chwistmas turkey and bwocolli. And burgers (now started to stut the room, thinking as she talks). And da giwls are all going to wear bweautiful dwesses. And cwowns. And da boys. Dey are going to be pwinces. I fink dey will like dat!
Me: "so who would you like to come to your party?"
Josephine: "Ummm....Big Timo. Also little Timo. And Kenji. And Perry. And Victoria. And Leiya and Nikola. And also Tama. And even Pappa can come. And I want ALL da chwildwen at my kindergarten to come!"
Me (imagining 20 odd childwen running ape in our home...mind speeding over to alternative venues....returning thoughts to the room...) "Josephine, I think we can invite 10 children. You'll have to pick 10 out of those."
big sigh, but accepted. List got repeated as above, and I think that will be manageable.
We still have some time yet, but SHE's so excited to turn 4 already!
