Wednesday 22 December 2010


Michael and I have decided to try and go on a date once a month. We put Evie to bed and then arranged for a babysitter to come (did a play date with her a few days prior to see if it would work and let Josephine meet her a bit). So, she put Josephine to bed once we had left. Jozie was totally fine with being left with Jenny. Jenny is a Filappino and is really lovely. She's one of those kinds of people that children are magneted towards! So, we kept our phones with us, but everything went very smoothly.
Anyway, Michael and I parked at his work parking bay and then walked out. He works in Roppongi, which is part of the big heart of Tokyo. Felt younger again, just for those 3 hours! Was fantastic. Dare I say, however, that I was trying to hide my yawns (which were not due to company, but rather bodily devastation) at 9pm.
But it was really a great time.
Our next date is a piano recital in Ginza (Tokyo suburb).

Roppongi (see the green lights)

Tokyo tower: big symbol here in Tokyo, equivalent to Eiffel tower in Paris

Michael tryyyyying to figure out the maps

This is what the map looks like. Now would you know where to go? :-)

Some cool shoes in front of us! (on the train)

Ginza (suburb in Tokyo)

fashion shops along the way