Sunday 5 December 2010

Josephine thoughts

At the breakfast table, Josephine pipes up: 
"Mamma and Pappa. I don't have da same panties like Tarzan. He's got funny little panties on his po-po. Hmm."

Talking to me while sitting on the toilet:
"Mamma, I just pushing my tummy ache out."
and then directing her attention to her belly:
"Fank you tummy. Now you much better."

After a little "discussion" about what liquid she could take to bed (she wanted milk) and we were offering her water and apple juice mix (for a good reason, no energy to explain here :-) - which she refused.
...sniffing about her lack of a milk delivery..."Pappa, I so thirsty, I only can swallow my spit and it's not enough"

Speaking to Gwamps on the telephone, she started by saying (very excitedly):
"Hi Gwamps! It's me, Fifi here!! We just got off da aewoplane and now we in Japan. And my little sister is just having bwekfast"
Note: we landed 5 months ago. And it wasn't breakfast, it was dinner, but well. :-)

In the kitchen this morning:
Jozie: "Pappa, next time it's my birfday. And den I'm going to be 4!!! And den I'm going to be an adult."
Pappa: "Wow, you're going to be a big girl then!! ....And how old do you think I am?"
Jozie: ....thinking....and then shouting out "5!!!!!"
Pappa: "Naaaaa!!!! Pappa is 40!"
Jozie sighing and leaving the room: "Aaaargh, that's weally weally old"  

Telling her kindergarten teacher, Mandy:
"Mandy, I just need to empty my little bladder"
(she likes to use the correct words for all these things usually and is very interested in all bodily functions)