Thursday 2 December 2010

Tickling the ivory

I come from a family who really encouraged music in a wonderful way. I guess it just came naturally to both my parents as they're both musical and come from musical families themselves. I can remember a piano standing in the manse in Tarkastad and my dad often taking to it. I can remember my mom teaching me the recorder at a young age. And a treasured gift: my (Yamaha) flute, which they bought me (at a high cost, but with lots of love) when I was 8. That was when I fell in love with music....playing an instrument is such an expressive thing, and I love to play mine in all moods I have! It often lifts my spirits - actually, it virtually always does! Of course there were times when practising it became a chore and I wanted to give up. My parents were very wise (and I hope I can do the same with my kids oneday when they hit the same junction): they told me "Well, why don't you keep at it till the end of the term, and then we can decide whether to give it up or not.". And so, over the next few weeks, I would get through the rough patch and then start to enjoy it again. By the time the end of term came, I didn't want to give it up anymore. A good life lesson: 1) to finish what you start and 2) don't hurry big decisions.

And now fast-tracking some 25-30 years later....
My darling husband really gave a very thoughtful present to his family last Sunday. It hit the wallet hard, but I truly believe it was an investment. He bought us a piano. A Yamaha piano - something we'll always now remember as being part of our time here in Japan as it's a well known and well respected Japanese brand.
I feel really touched by our new addition to the gives me warm gooey feelings! I guess that stems largely from my own love for music. I'm by no means an accomplished musician, but I really love it. I've played the flute for nearly 30 years now. Ok, there have been "natural" breaks inbetween, but largely I've kept it up....maybe changed direction a bit in terms of what I play and with whom I play it (now all pretty much on my lonesome), but it's always unpacked and waiting for a 3 minute gap in the day where I can switch on a Nelly Furtado or James Morrison cd and play along with it.

Of course, it's too early to tell where Josephine and Evie's interests lie. But what a great thing to expose them to, we think! And let's see how things develop in that area! Waiting to see where your daughters' natural interests, talents/gifts lie is like a child waiting for the Christmas present which lie wrapped under the tree for days. Or for a seed to show a shoot. Patience, Isabelle! Anyway, I'm keen to see what they'll be up to: art, swimming,music, dancing, reading, running, handwork, or whatever.

Anyway, our new piano adds a new dimention to our family life. I'm going to start some lessons soon, I hope. And maybe Josephine will follow suit, let's see. She sure loves to go over to it several times in an afternoon and tinkle away.

Having small children and a new piano does pose some interesting new rules which were necessary to impose:
1) no food or drink near the piano - or big trouble will pursue
2) no feet on the piano - you'd be amazed at how tempting that is for a child between 17mo - 3.5yrs is
3) only sitting nicely on the stool in front of the piano - a bit of structure to it is not a bad idea, we thought
4) only playing with fingers, not hands.

Sounds like a long list, but Josephine has it, I think. I hope! #4 is about the one I have to remind her most about.

And now, to wrap up, Michael bought some Christmas sheet music. I have to chuckle. Yes, I'm keen to play the piano, but let's say, I'll need a few more lessons than what we can squeeze in before Christmas. He's a little hopeful (between you and me)...he's picturing us standing around the piano, singing Hark the Herald or Silent Night. I think we shall be doing that part either vocals only or at the most I can play with my right hand (can't read bass cleff fluently yet)

Anyway, here are some photos of our black beauty:

And now, it's Jozie's turn.....!!!!

And now....Evie's turn.....!!

Sure we're going to build some happy memories with this!