Wednesday 15 December 2010

Health warning

Never eat cookies that Kindergarten children have baked. Never.
Of course, you should pretend to - and "Uuuummm and Aaaaahhh!" and make as though they taste heavenly.
But don't let a crumb pass your lips undetected.
This week I had a BALL doing some helping out at the KG with their Christmas cookie baking stunt. But I also witnessed some scary baking techniques....

It started off well....washed hands, eager little eyes and hands....
...soon the little faces all covered in flour....sleeves rolled up.....aaaaaaaaaaAAAAHHHHtissue!!! Give that nose a good wipe on the arm/sleeve and continue....
and then....a boy (I shall not single him out by name for he is actually too cute for words and I wouldn't want him dishonoured) but he came OUT OF THE BLUE from outside (he wasn't doing any baking himself but appeared interested in results only),...he raced up, slowed down from 100 to 5km/hr in just 3 seconds right in front of 3 plates of cookies that had already been baked and sprinkled with decorations and then ...HE JOGGED PAST THEM SLOWLY WITH HIS TONGUE HELD OUT lightly touching each cookie picking up the lekker bits. It was so extraordinary that I belly laughed for ages! Even the teachers couldn't be cross with him for that one - although they did try to tell him in all seriousness not to do it again. However, it was too late.
But frankly the girls were no better. Cough, splutter, lick, sniff, stuff hands into the mouth for tasting, fingers back in the mixing bowl.
I swear to encourage the kids all the way with these things. But after seeing this lot, I swear to never eat it myself. Anyhow, it got sold to some unsuspecting folk (to raise funds for an old age home) the germs have found new families to live in....older kids from the school who were allowed to spend some pocket money and support the KG. Perhaps they got sold as "organic"? Live bacteria!
Ok, I'm exaggerating. But it was a hoot! :-)