Sunday 19 December 2010

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!!

On Saturday morning Michael said, "Come, let's go to the beach.". I thought he meant to go to Yokohama port, but he really did mean the beach. I only realised that when we were sitting in the car trying to programme the navi that he really did want sand between his toes! So off we went! We cruised there as there wasn't much traffic (only 30minutes). And what a glorious day it was!!! It was about 15 degrees C, clear skies, the sea was sparkling....and the fresh air, no buildings, TOTAL change of atmosphere. The folk there are soooo laid back. It totally reminds me of Jeffrey's Bay in South Africa. It's where all the surfers hang out. And the whole surfer sub-culture that goes along with it is THERE. Everyone is CHILLED! Everyone has TIME.
Anyway, what blew our minds away was the BREATHTAKING view we had of Mnt Fuji which was on the otherside of the bay. It was as though it's snow-capped peak just rose out of the waters! Josephine recognised it immediately too! Days like Saturday make living in Japan worthwhile. It was a breather and refresher!

Here are some photos:

Can you see Fuji-san? It was much clearer with the naked eye than it is on my photos.

One guy was doing some karate moves (practising) on the beach. He was sooooo good. Very controlled movements!

A young couple passing by

Our entertainment for a while! He was reaaallly good!

Some more entertainment a bit further along. But I think this guy wasn't all sober (??) ;-)

a dad with his 2 kids on his bike (a typical sight also in Tokyo)

a Japanese painting in the restaurant we ate in. I like it.

Erm...!! Tsunami warning and advice board

Josephine's highlight for the day: clambering over the rocks on the side of the pier. She loved it and was really fast. Surprisingly fast!! Wow!

a Japanese boy nearby

Evie getting fully involved in her big sandpit. The sand is black - volcanic. But soft. Nice to touch, especially for Evie.