Friday 17 December 2010


Thursday. Early morning. Big rush. Wake up at 5, pretend to sleep till 6 with Josephine climbing all over us and chatting away. Breakfast together. Get dressed. Pack the school bag I should have packed on Wednesday night.....snack, drink, sports bag with second drink...and an (important) note to her teacher. Her "postmappe" (a transparent envelope all the kids have to transport info between parent and teacher as many parents live in Tokyo while the kids commute by bus to Yokohama and it helps bridge communication gaps)...anyway, the postmappe is not in Josephine's backpack. Simply means she didn't bring it home from KG on Wednesday. No serious. But note written - in German...takes a fraction longer...and put into the side pouch of her bag so that she will hopefully remember to give it to Mandy, her teacher. Seconds later, Evie pulling it out of the bag. Retrieval. Back in bag semi safely again. Carry on getting Evie dressed, Josephine dressed and myself. Teeth, hair brushing (drama in and of itself) and all the other usual things.
This morning, driving Josephine to the bus stop instead of usual bike ride there. Due to her bad cough which has been going on 6+ weeks now and gets immediately aggrevated in the cooler air outside.
All packed in the car. Me now running over what is in her bag so she remembers what to take out when etc. Getting to the note for teacher....
Me: "Josephine, this note is mega important. Please give it to Mandy first thing when you get to KG."
Josephine: staring out of the window.
Me: "Jozie? This note. This note (holding it out now) is VERY important. Please look where I'm putting it. You need to give it to Mandy first thing. Ok?"
Josephine: no response.
Me: "Josephine, I'm talking to you. Now listen! This note. It's very VERY important. Give to Mandy FIRST thing when you get to KG. OK?"
Josephine: in another world.
Me: "Josephine!!!! What did I just say??"
Josephine: blinking, startled. ...."Uuuum....I don't know. What did you say?"
Me: "This note. Look at it. I want you to give it to Mandy urgently when you get to KG. OK? Now what did I just say?"
Josephine: nothing. zero. zip.
Me: "JOZIE!!!! What did I just say? What must you do when you get to KG??"
Josephine:  "Uuuum. I don't know. What is it?"
Me: "Josephine! You're NOT listening to me. It's very irritating!! You need to give this note to Mandy when you get to KG! Now what must you do when you get to KG?"
Josephine: ....thinking....still in her own little world...."Uuuum (very calmly I must add)....uuuum. I fink I should tell Mandy that I love her."
Me: fringe immediately turned grey. Shocked! What?! "Yes, you can tell Mandy you love her. But there's something else you need to tell her!! (now shouting at her in the car for not listening)
Josephine: ....tears rolling down her cheeks..."Mamma. I NOT going to share my toys wif you anymore. When you talk to me like dat, I'm not going to share my toys wif you. You making my bwain stressed."

....we kissed and made up...but this is one of many similar scenarios. She's edible none the less!!!

Holidays start today and boy I'm looking forward to spending more time with her. I think it's just what we both/all need.