Monday 22 February 2010

What exactly is "a big girl"?

A big girl is someone who:

- is allowed to eat chewing gum
- drinks coffee
- doesn't sit in a highchair
- can sit on the toilet without a child's toilet seat to stop them falling in

This morning on our way out: "Josephine, you please wait here at the front door while I put Evie in the car. I am coming back for you and I will carry you to the car because your shoes are there. Just wait for me. Don't, please DON'T try to come out on the snow & ice in your stockings. Ok?"   "Ok Mamma. I wait to you."
....while belting Evie in....who do I see through the backwindow skidding around like a duck on a frozen pond? Jozie. Of course, my Jozie. Not on her stockings though. In my snow boots which look like skiis on her. Was quite funny, I have to say. We both had a laugh. Some things are just too funny to scold. :-)