Sunday 14 February 2010

Today's happenings

Today was great. As other moms with 2 little one would know, routine is everything. So we got through the breakfasts, dressing, hairbrushing, some sleeps, you name it and by 3pm we were amped to get out! So after another 30minutes of getting dressed for the snow, we emerged. Out. Into the fresh air. Like rabbits out of a burrow. Even our neighbours asked where we had been the last days. Well, to put it short and sweet: we have been indoors: waiting for this one to wake, then that one, then feed them, then change them, all the while managing Josephine who has diahorrea of note. So that's how it is at the moment. And that just made the fresh air this afternoon all the more fresh. It was glorious! We walked a hundred yards where Jozie found a mound of snow. She climbed up it. She climbed down it. She repeated this 20 (?) times without showing a flinch of boredom. No, she only felt more motivated to climb it faster take a different route or whatever. I then asked myself (out loudly) why (?) we had spent 30minutes getting dressed for the cold just to walk a hundred yards (20metres for the rest of the world) just to climb a mound. Ok, ok. In all fairness, it was not just a mound to Jozie. It was Everest. Or something really great. It impressed her greatly. After watching this repeated climbing up and down and up and down, Mamma (that's me) then licked and cajouled her to join her in a walk. The aim was to do a loop....a way down the road, over the bridge, past a big field with horses, around past some quaint little homes with smoking chimneys and then back towards home. Forget it. Wishful thinking! That mound was it. We crossed the road (another cool 10metres) and....she found another mound. Sorry: Everest. I realised then that I had lost the fight. But this time, her mound was right outside the window of someone's lounge. So after hanging around virtually breathing mist onto their windows, I felt a little bashful (hihi, I like that word), and encouraged everyone to move back home so we could build our own mound, sorry mountain, in the privacy of our own backgarden. So after making a short pitstop at the neighbour's house to say a quick hello, we completed our marathon and rounded our afternoon off with shovelling loads of snow into a heap and having fun on that. And it really was great! We all loved it! Gwan with her camera and hooting for and watching Jozie; me with Evie in the pram and Jozie. I shall definitely post some photos once I have some ready. It was memorable, for us at least.