Thursday 11 February 2010

nature kids

Today was a busy day. We spent ages at an ENT specialist getting Jozie through another hearing test, further ear checks etc. She still has a lot of fluid behind the eardrum, but the middle ear infection is nearly cleared. Her hearing is still down in the right ear though, but they're hoping this will pick up once the fluid drains. We have to have some more hearing tests etc in 4 weeks time. Today was the first time that Jozie really flinched while the doctor did her checks. I must say, the doctor was pretty "rushed" and didn't take the time to "warm up" with Josephine making it difficult for the more sensitive prodding to be done. A child's trust is vital for these things and the best way to gain their trust is to gain their friendship. Make them laugh, take a minute. Whatever! Afterwards Jozie kept saying "Mamma, that doctor makes me "owa" (sore). That doctor not very nice!". Of course, one has to nevertheless draw her attention to the fact that the doctor was helping her by looking into her ear and so on. Anyway, enough of that! I also got a little pep talk that socks are not appropriate attire in this cold country. Stockings next time, please! So off we went to the shops to get some. I actually have many pairs, but size 2-3 is now too small. And size 3-4 is too big so that they need constant pulling up. Well, I now found some that goes with leg length, so that should be better. I'll try them on her tomorrow.

More interestingly....Jozie sayings from today:

(outside in the driveway, some bird singing sweetly in the nearby trees) "Mamma, mamma! Where's that sound coming from!?! That sound is a noise, Mamma. It's hurting my ears! I close my ears to THAT sound Mamma!"  I had to laugh. When she found out it was a bird, she realised what she had said was funny and we both had a laugh. My little "nature girl". Wow, I feel embarrassed! :-)

At the lunch table today I said "Jozie, guess who's coming tomorrow?"
"Gwan! Gwan is coming. Gwan is coming on the big BIG aeroplane to visit to me."
"I don't want to make a poopsie next to Gwan. No, no. It too stinky to Gwan. I don't want to do that..."
Ok. :-)

At the lunch table I told her and Evie that we had to go into the city to go shopping and get some stockings and other things.
"Mamma. I got lots of money too. I buy a mousetrap to Jerry. I buy some of dat cheese and give it to Jerry as a present on the mousetrap. Jerry will be sooooo happy, Mamma. It will be a special treat to Jerry."
Too much TV me thinks!

At the lunch table she put a toy rooster on the chair next to hers. "Mamma! You must share your food with the chicken, Mamma!"
"Well, Jozie, why don't you give a pea to the chicken from Your plate?"
"No Mamma no. It's your job. You must share to the chicken, Mamma. Ors you make the chicken's heart sad"
"Ok Jozie, we don't want to hurt the chicken's feelings. Here you go chicken, here's a pea" I said as I stretched over the table to place it in front of this ungrateful chicken."
"MAMMA! DON'T stretch at the table. You get into big trouble, Mamma, to doing dat!"