Sunday 14 February 2010

Jozie sayings today

While putting Jozie to sleep each night, I've kind of gotten into a bad, but nevertheless extremely special habit of climbing into her little toddler bed. It's very little space in there, but the place of big discussions:

Scenario: Evie sleeping downstairs, Gwan in the lounge, Michael in Japan, Gwamps in England and me in Jozie's bed with her.
"Mamma? You can put Evie down while we playing, Mamma. Mamma, I you must put Evie away. Evie can go to Gwan. I need your loves, Mamma. Mamma you can play wif me. It won't be a pwoblem, Mamma. I fink we can do it."

another one whilst going to sleep:
"Mamma, I love you soooooooo LOTS! I love you soooo lots. I could eat you up LIVE, Mamma! (taking a little little bite (pretending) out of my hand."
"Mamma, I love you soooo sooooo LOTS! (squashing my face between her little hands). Mamma, I make you flat as a pancake!"

...ending off my bedtime cuddle with her:
"Mamma, don't go. You stay wif me, pleeeeeeease. Please Mamma. Don't make my heart sad. No Mamma, don't make my heart sad."
(a tough one!)
My response: "Jozie darling. All good things must come to an end. Mamma also doesn't really want to go, but I must also go and do some things before I go to bed too. I have to also shower now and wash my hair."
...sitting upright in her bed: "don't wowwy (worry) Mamma, I going to help you. I going to turn the shower on to you. It's not going to be a pwoblem, Mamma. Don't wowwy. I just going to be quick. And maybe before (when) I finish the shower, THEN I go back to bed."

Scenario: about 6 months ago we met a really lovely boy called Sam. Unfortunately it was a once-off occassion. But he really impressed Josephine. He showed her how to hide like a tortoise. And she has never forgotten him.
"Mamma, I also want to get married. Maybe I can marry Sam? Maybe Sam can be my prince? Mamma? Maybe I can wear your wedding dress? I just going to be quick! I love Sam. (with dreamy eyes and voice)"

Diccifult  = difficult   (she likes using and experimenting with this word a lot at the moment)
pwoblem  = problem
It's easy to me   = it's easy for me
BUT   = a new favourite