Saturday 6 February 2010

Our girls

Hot off the Josephine press from 1 minute ago....

While putting Josephine to sleep, she was very affectionate saying through clenched teeth how much she loves me and giving me massive hugs. I hugged her very heartily back. She stopped and said: "Hey Mamma! Don't hug me too much. I going to pop. Don't pop me Mamma!"

Most nights, I usually snuggle (and squeeze) into Jozie's bed. She stands up and pins herself tightly against the wall while I maneuver my way in and says "Mamma, I just making space for you, Mamma. I just making space. You're a big lady Mamma!" Hmmm.

"Askoek, it's time for you to go to sleep." "No, Mamma, no! I not your Askoek. I Gran's Askoek, not yours!"  (Askoek is an Afrikaans term of endearment). "Ok, Fifi, it's time for you to go to sleep." "No, Mamma, NO! I Gramp's Fifi. I not your Fifi Mamma". "Well, then Jozie if you're not my Askoek and if you're not my Fifi, what can I call you?" "My name is Josephine, Mamma". Ah! Well let's try that then. :-)

Evie loves to:
-swing her arms wildly around and around when she's happy to see someone walk into the room. We call her our little windmill. Josephine cracks herself up when we call her that. And that just gets Evie going then too.
-do "bottom lifts". With her feet planted on the ground while lying down, she lifts her bottom very high up. Slaps it down. Lifts it up. Slaps it down. And so on!
-make eye contact. Oftentimes I'm busy talking to Jozie or doing this or that. Each time I glance at Evie, she gives the biggest gummy smile ever. She waits for the eye contact.
-she sticks out her tongue and moves it around when we talk to her.
-she likes to dance
-she loves being sung to ...most times unless it's "Twinkle twinkle"....then she knows it's her cue for bedtime
-she's a brilliant eater. Give her anything, she'll give it a go. She always tests it first and then opens her mouth wide like a little bird in the nest
-she loves being carried around, even in the baby carrier
-she loves hanging upside down and being tickled
-is fairly independent in comparison to Josephine at that age and stage - surely due to the fact that I simply can't pamper her as much because time is now divided.
-she loves to go in her "walking chair" (walking ring) - she feels like king kong and really scoots around from one end of the room to the other bashing into the furniture to stop her, occassionally getting stuck in a corner.
-she's recently learnt to sit alone
-her first tooth came through this morning! Bottom right (from her view)
-she loves to say "Dadadada and Gagagaga and Tatatata"
-she doesn't like to be left alone in a room (at the stage of separation anxiety)
-her red hair is growing. Her fringe is hanging in her eyes, so she is getting "clip-trained".