Wednesday 10 February 2010

little car mechanic

In the car today Josephine and I were talking about different jobs people do. From the backseat her little voice pipes up:
"Mamma, only BIG people can fix cars, Mamma. Only big BIG people can do that."
"Yes, Jozie, only big people can do that. And people who fix cars are called car mechanics. And oneday when you're big, maybe you can be a car mechanic"    (....yikes!)    ...."or would you prefer to be a doctor or a teacher?"
"No, Mamma, no. I don't want to be a (me)chanic. I too little, Mamma. I want to be a little girl Mamma. I like to be little. I first go to kindergarden. Then school. Then I be a chanic, Mamma."  

love her to bits!

Also, yesterday (on the recommendation of a good friend in the States), I started a reward chart. I explained to her how she can earn her stars. She took to it very quickly and is now a highly motivated nearly 3 year old. Today I even managed to get her hair brushed with minimal complaint! Thank you Amy!!! It's working!!