Sunday 14 February 2010

First impressions of Japan

Yesterday Michael left for his first business trip to Japan. Am I dying to know his first impressions? YES!!! The man must empty his brain out on me!! So when he phoned to kindly let him know that his long flight went better than expected and that he had in fact slept fairly well on the plane etc etc etc....I rudely interrupted: "AND? What does the place look like? What do you think? Is it a place for small children to be in? Is it busy? Is it OK?" The reply was: "Um, well. I've just arrived and it's night, so it's hard to tell. But the skyline looks lovely from the 32nd floor of my hotel." Then a nervous little laugh from him while clearing his throat: "And, it appears to be a concrete jungle. Not sure if it's something the children will wildly appreciate."
Well, we know from "reading" that it's a huge city (14m in Tokyo and 42m in the metropol), so it wasn't a surprise. But please, tomorrow when the sun comes up, may he see a park or some spot of greenery where the kids can run and be set free when leaving the flat. I shall let you know the results of that one.
Also, he has a little house-hunt on Tuesday with an agent. I am very keen to know whether the pictures we've seen on the internet indeed are as good as reality. Again, I shall keep you posted.
GMT+1    20.32pm
Tokyo       04.32am   (the man is in the land of nod, I hope!?! Or climbing the walls with energy?)