Monday 22 February 2010

Shaking the blues

Being in a "new" environment without all the known play areas, people, streets, things, whatever has left me at a bit of a loose end lately. Topping that with getting used to driving on the wrong (lol) side of the road and a lot of snow (also meaning getting fully kitted each time we want to even go into the back garden) .... has been a change I've been struggling to adapt to. But today I pulled my socks up and decided to "get out there, no matter what!". And it was well worth it. And we did a lot!
-we went to a birthday party to which some neighbourhood people very kindly invited us to
-after midday sleep we had lunch
-we went for a nice walk around this area, popped in at some neighbours, had an appointment at the dr for Josephine, visited and stroked the horses across the road, and even (!) made it to the grocery shop. WOW! Was great! I think in all honesty, Josephine prefers to play her imaginitive games with her horse/car/whatever she can find at home than be "dragged" around. Evie loves all the people and getting around. She's very sociable and smiles at anyone who affords her a glance.

Anyway, tomorrow we have plans too! Yay! We're going to a church toddler group in the morning and then to a kiddi sport group in the afternoon. Interested to see what that's all about. I don't think Jozie (who is adventurous, but cautious) will quite leap off any slide or climbing frame (or whatever they have there) to accentuate the addrenalin rush like her American friend, Owen. :-) Girls will be girls, and boys boys. :-)
