Thursday 4 February 2010

Daily happenings and Jozie expressions

Putting both girls to bed at the same time can be a challenge. If it works, the reward is great - peace to unpack the boxes without "assistance". Kind assistance is offered regularly, but is most unhelpful in all honesty. Anyhow, I put Josephine down (upstairs) with Evie's "assistance", did her little bedtime ritual, kissed her, left her with 2 little sleepy snacks and milk hoping (haha) she'd kind of do the sleep. I then went downstairs (that's just how it is at the moment in our house...we don't have enough bedrooms upstairs) and I put Evie in her cot (new promotion to a cot as of yesterday).. and while she bellowed her disgust I nearly tripped over Josephine who had crept back downstairs "I just coming to help you put Evie to sleep, Mamma". "Thank you Jozie, that's very kind of you, but it's a big help if you can stay in your bed upstairs. Now off you go!" Hushing her down the passage with Evie's bellowing creschendo-ing (however that is spelt). So back upstairs, hurrying her along -direction, bed. Into bed again. "Mamma, maybe you can snuggle wif me?" "Yes Jozie, that would be nice, but maybe tonight? I have to go and finish putting Evie to sleep." Bellowing downstairs reaching astronomical proportions. Jozie starts to cry too. "Mamma, you "gotten" (have forgotten) to give me a kiss! Mamma! Give me a kiss!!!"  "Of course Jozie. I'll give you a kiss." Me sitting there on the edge of her bed, stroking her hair, giving her kisses. Trying to appear as if time is of no concern. But Evie still hollering. Suddenly Josephine sits up and says with an instructive tone, "Mamma, you go downstairs and tell  Evie to Ssshooosh (spit balls flying). You tell Evie to SSSSHUUUUSH! and you give Evie a "Snack-bottom"! And tell her to Shuuush. It's YOUR job Mamma! You go tell Evie to Shush. It's YOUR JOB!". OK, ok, I'll go says me. Well, by this time, Evie had already toned down to a loud mutter, but it wasn't crying anymore. Probably had given up. So I just kept my eye on her and thankfully (!) she settled down. This is the Only reason I can write something here now.

Other Jozie sayings from today:
Today we were playing with a framed handwritten message from Gran and Gramps which they gave us at Jozie's birth. It reads "28.02.2007 Welcome Josephine! xxxxxxxx". While I was feeding Evie, Josephine stands the frame on the table and talks to it: "These words say: you must give Josephine lots of kisses. And you must give Josephine lots of hugs. And you must look after Josephine." 

Jospehine likes the movie "Aladin". With the same frame, she came to me and said "Mamma, these words...they say "Aladin must kiss Jozie. Yes, Aladin must kiss Josephine now."    (starting a bit young!?!)

Bana = banana
Kumkin = pumpkin

a for apple
b for bana
c for cat
d for dog
etc etc
E for Evie
m for Melman (from Madagascar)

Sitting at the table eating she wipes her face up and down and mutters to herself. Upon closer inspection I notice she's doing something Gran taught her (while wiping you hand over your face from chin to forehead say "uneven". Then while wiping your hand over your face downwards from forehead to chin say "even".)

Yesterday we were invited over to the neighbours for some tea. Midway through Josephine came to me and reported (silently thank goodness) that she was "just giving the dog some treats". Apparently the dog liked it.

Well, no unpacking has taken place. Just 15 minutes of updating a blog. And Evie has awoken. Goodbye free time! x