Thursday 18 February 2010

Evie habits

Evie is changing so quickly, especially now it seems!

She "talks" by saying "Da-da-da-da" or "Ta-ta-ta-ta" or "Ga-ga-ga-ga" etc. And her all time favourite is a loud "AH!" Despite the fact that she can't say a specific word yet, she's a very competent communicator. It's usually fairly clear what she's after!

She plays quite a few games effectively:
1)  she likes to play Peekaboo. I say "Peekaboo!" and where I at first said "boo!" SHE now says "AH!" in response. She definitely means this instead of "Boo!". So I say "peekaboo" and she says "ah!"
2)  she plays "Taa-game". I give her a toy and say "Taa for Evie". She laughs and stretches out her hands to take it. Then I say: "And taa for Mamma?". Oftentimes, she hands it back smiling (she knows the game!). Sometimes you can see her handing it back and just before she actually deposits it in my hand, she changes her mind!
3)  she also plays "hard-to-get"! When she's in my arms, she beams luringly at Gwan / Pappa. They then want to take her in their arms and she then dives her head into my neck, peeps out with smiling eyes and dives back in again. Very cute!
4)  she plays "throw the stuff on the floor". Give her a toy and she often purposely throws it on the floor just for one of us to pick it up again...and again...
5) her favourite toy is a little bell. She loves (!) to ring it!
6) She likes music (when I sing to her) or if we all sing "The wheels of the bus" or "Wind the bobbin up" or "Round and round the garden" at the table. She goes very quiet, beams and listens.

Eating: she loves her food! Lately she's taken to even eating things straight from my plate including rice, mince, egg, peppers, etc. She also drinks from a cup with handles very well. Also, I have noticed she's able to get a spoon clearly into her mouth .... now I just have to take the leap and give her her own bowl of food to feed herself from  (can however just imagine the mess that will cause)

Playing: she loves to watch Josephine! She sits on the carpet, tips a box of toys out and eagerly rakes them towards herself. She can play alone (if she's not tired or hungry) for quite a while (15minutes?)! Impressive!