Monday 15 February 2010

Second impressions of Japan

Michael phoned this morning and reported the following:

-work was "interesting". His colleagues were sassing him out and still a bit distanced. Understandable I suppose!
-he went to a fancy restaurant with his colleagues and ate many things he never recognised. There was apparently a huge variety. Seeweed was NOT his favourite and his politely swallowed one mouthful and couldn't manage more. I hope he didn't offend anyone? But in the same breath I am mega proud of him for trying being the fussy eater that he is!
- he said the scene at the restaurant was like out of the movies: the waitresses all wearing their tracksuit pants up to their armpits and taking tiny-winy steps quickly across the floor.
- the bathrooms are "cosy". Now why would Michael say that? Sounds odd. Anyway, he was impressed. He said "there are more buttons for the toilet than on my car dashboard." Had to smile at that one!
- food was "edible". For Michael, that means, you can swallow it. But not enjoy it. Everything was "edible" except the dried seeweed.
-as I write he is seeing (hopefully!) a property agent who's taking him house-hunting. Can't wait to hear how that goes.