Wednesday 3 February 2010

Japanese Bowing Traditions

Heading for a new country with a majorly new culture, leaves us feeling motivated to GET READY! We've just gone online tonight after our move to Germany and are already glued to the computers reading up on all sorts.
Toilet slippers: don't forget to put them on. And don't forget to take them off.
Bathing is for relaxing. To do the cleaning part, sit on a bench in front of the bath and only enter the water in once you're shining. Ok.
In Milton Keynes at the hotel, we found an empty stage. Gran is very creative and she got Josephine up on the stage and taught her 3 things. 1) how to cope with stage fright. 2) how to do a ballerina twirl. 3) how to bow. The dancing part she did just fine on her own. The bowing ended up being the cutest part with great concerntration as she endevoured to get her arms and legs in the right place at the right time and then....stooooooping. Low. Coming up, proud of herself. Something I won't forget in a hurry. Anyhow, that was all "concert-related" bowing. But of course, soon, she'll have to be bowing and scraping for all sorts of other reasons too. If you have 2 minutes, watch this youtube link. It's a humorous insight into the japanese art of bowing!
And so, Josephine's bowing lessons shall will ours.