Thursday 18 February 2010

How do I know I'm back in Germany?

-loads of snow, snow, snow!!

-on the right-hand side of the road
-fast and aggressive drivers
-more speed traps
-right of way to the cars coming from streets on the right (unless a special sign is up for you to go)
-few roundabouts
-no street lights between villages (ie no lights apart from in cities and on the motorways). Only a tiny cat-eye reflector on interspercent white poles following the road

Grocery shopping:
-smaller shops, smaller varieties
-opening hours limited (Mon-Sat 8am-8pm max)
-trolley deposits (be prepared with your 1Euro coin!)
-rushed feeling at the tills as your groceries go at 100miles per hour past the cashier's scanner
-own shopping bags
-stinky cheese on other end of the shop to be smelt even in the stationery aisle
-fun car trolleys for kids to sit in
-bakery...smells and looks divine!
-Slimming World shopping challenging :-(
-lots of coffee varieties


-strange listening to German radio and TV (miss the English, I must confess)
-people are very direct (takes getting used to again!)
-beautiful architecture (old tudor houses so charming)
-people friendly