Monday 22 February 2010

breakfast table

"Mamma. You getting fatter and fatter."
"EX-C-Use me!?!"
.."Mamma. You getting bigger and bigger. Just like me."

I gave Josephine a little activity sheet. On it were 5 little Indian children. She had to identify how many feathers each of them had in their headband things. Three of the indians had 2 feathers. When we got to them, Josephine looked hard at them and said. "No Mamma no. These are bunnies"
(upon closer inspection, I have to admit their feathers did look very much like bunny ears)

We're off to a little birthday party this morning. I said to Josephine that it's her birthday Next weekend. "Yes Mamma, I going to be THREE! And Evie is still going to be nought. Evie's still a little baby and I a big big girl."

Josephine loves to show LOTS of affection to Evie. Little Evie, on the other hand, prefers to manage it in smaller doses. It's a fine balancing act: encouraging love, respecting limits. Right now, Josephine found a new way to hold Evie's hand despite her crying.....we're sitting at the breakfast table and usually we hold hands and Josephine says grace "Gear Lord Jesus, Tank you for da food. Amen." Well, today she has said grace 5 times, each time making a point of holding Evie's hand. Now which mom can stop the prayers and the hand holding that goes with it? :-)

....this second: Jozie is trying to hug Evie in her highchair. Awkward angle = ripping the neck. Evie starts crying. Crocodile tears rolling. Jozie quickly backs away with her hands over her mouth saying "I sorry, I sorry! I just Loving Evie!"
"Ok, Jozie, I know you're just loving Evie and that is very kind of you. I like it when you love Evie. But when Evie starts crying, you need to give Evie some space. Evie is still a baby and she still needs space." Then turning to Evie "And Evie, you need to learn to let Josephine love you. She's only hugging you, she's not trying to hurt you. You can be more friendly to your big sister. You are lucky to have a big sister who loves you so much!"

and now for the rush of getting ready to leave in 90 minutes....xx