Saturday 14 August 2010

What a day!

This morning we had to take Josephine back to the doctor (5th time this week) with her ear. It's still leaking and the antibiotics are finished. Her ENT's surgery in Jiyugauka has closed for 1 weeks holiday. So we went to a Children's Hospital in Komazawa. Have to take a deeeep breath in the traffic as we wait and wait (45min?) to move 4km along. Oh I wish for my bike, although it may be too hot? Anyway. The doctor there was great and Jozie liked her far more, which meant less tears too. She sat dead still for the kind lady doctor! Anyway, between traffic, and waiting for doctors / pharmacists (to get antibiotics (powder which they want you to mix yourself) it takes nearly an hour. Why?) we got home close to midday, just in time to make lunch and have naps. While the kids napped I prepared a fruit and green salad for a braai we were invited to by our church group. We were so looking forward to that! So by 3.15 we were all in the car making our way towards our new friends' house which was a supposed 8-10km distance.
Here's 5 minutes into the drive:

Don't want to bore you with the details, but we drove around and around and around and around. Fortunately everyone was in a good mood otherwise it would have been the pits. But just short of 2,5hrs later, we gave up and went home. Our poor friends were trying to help us, but as we couldn't always say where we were, they were also a bit stuck. Oh dear! We tried everything, but it just didn't work. Every street looks the same! I kept saying to Michael "I'm sure we came down this road earlier?" No, it was a new road, but just looked the same. So easy to get lost. And our navi is ... in Japanese. So, we can programme telephone numbers in and (well, we learnt today) it only takes you to the general area. So, we made it to the general area, but nothing more. AAAAAHHHHH! ....pull my hair out!!
Well, the kids were actually really patient (with a lot of entertaining on our parts though). Finally, when I could sing "wind the bobbin up"  NO MORE, and when all their juices were drunk up and the fruit salad we were supposed to be taking to the braai nibbled on .... I handed out the first biscuit. Oooooh dear. Evie did her baby grunt for more. She got 3. But they're the lekker ones with jam in the middle. She loved them. I tried to get her back onto the fruit, but she did backstroke in her babychair and stretched her arms out as faaaar as she could, palms up, with the urgent big-eyed look "give me that OTHER stuff. Now please!!!". She scoffed. They scoffed. Evie got a piece of jam up her nose. By this stage, we decided to give up and go home. Then they started their screaming competition. Do boys do that too? Earshattering, that's all I can say. MindBLOWING!!! Who can scream the loudest. Jozie still wins. Evie comes in a close second. Pappa's headache worsened. At least they were happy. Evie was laughing so much, when she breathed in this little piece of biscuit clinging to her nose got sucked in and out as she laughed. It got removed quite promptly!
Well, anyway, that was our day. Totally unsuccessful. Urgh! But we tried and have to forget this and try again. Exhausting thought, but these new friends are so nice, it would be really great to meet up again. Probably take the 4 stop trains again next time!

Anyway, here are some photos of us the last 2 days or so

Evie getting smothered again