Thursday 5 August 2010

Odd socks

So here's some odd socks of info over the past few days...

* Michael had his first Japanese lesson on Tuesday - all good!* had my first Japanese lesson last night. Woo hoo! Can now do the greetings!
* Jozie bought some fancy dress shoes today and then donated them to Evie who thinks they're mega cool.
* Evie understanding more of our conversation and goes and gets things/does things when I ask her to. :-)
* Getting involved in Tokyo Baptist Church - excited
* I'm going to start Pilates classes this coming week. Can't wait!
* Today we went to Tamagawa by train (just 2 stations away) - fun!
* We lost Evie's little croc shoe today ... she so loves her shoes I don't know what we'll do without them!

Here's a photo of the girls playing at home here today. Little nudies in the hot summer!

You know, Tokyo is just SO different from any other I've experienced in my little's so different that today when I popped some eggs into a pan to boil them, I wondered what might pop maybe the eggs here are growing mini dinasours / chicken sumo wrestlers or something! I actually did imagine that and took a wee step back after they were deposited in the hot water. Nothing happened. They were normal.