Tuesday 17 August 2010

No Pilates tonight

So Michael came home from work earlier...I got everything ready for him to take over...took the walk up the hill, caught the train, sweated, arrived, went up the lift to the 3rd floor. Nobody there. All locked and shut down as if the place never existed before (apart from a few brochures on the windowsill advertising themselves). Rung the bell, knocked on the door, tried to open it, rung the bell. Nothing. My heart sank! I'm so motivated and .... maybe you can imagine. I was pretty disappointed. I went to every single other floor in the building (only 7 so not too bad)...and nope, they weren't there either.
So, I headed back out, drank all my water up, and looked around at what I could do in an hour. Even at 7pm it was still too hot to be outside, so I headed to the first big building I saw to get myself cooled off/air-conditioned. Well, it ended up being such a pleasant surprise! It was a big shopping mall with of course all kinds of clothing stores, but also stationery shops, little decor shops, etc. They have the nicest little things I must say. Like their note paper just a small block for your handbag...so fine! I just enjoyed looking at all their little things. Very petite things, just like them!
I also saw 2or 3 shops selling the Japanese kimanos. There are fireworks happening here this weekend and again, the Japanese will arrive in their traditional clothes. My mom is right, I should try to find Josephine and (maybe) Evie a kimano each.
So here are some of the street impressions I got tonight:

instructions on how to dress yourself in your kimano. Looks complicated to me ;-)

walking in the passages of the mall - shops left and right.