Thursday 5 August 2010

Quirky kids

* Her version of Guten Appetit is....."Good- to- up- and- eat"! She says it very purposefully each mealtime.

* For grace at the table she closes her eyes tightly, wrinkling up her nose too, and then she thanks God for the lovely day, for the ants, and her honey toast and asks him if she may please go in the big people's swimming pool next time.

* Evie has taken to hats. She figures that Jozie's knickers make good hats. Will get a photo next time. But she pulls on Jozie's knickers so that the two leg holes are right on top of her head with her ponytail sticking out of one of them. And she doesn't let anyone near her to take it off. Hilerious!

* Evie's family nickname is "Whippersnapper". Jozie's is "Noodle" (she started calling herself that ages ago and it's stuck)