Sunday 22 August 2010

Church and Shibuya street life

This morning we went to church at 9am. We had a lovely service with the topic of "What is truth". We met the pastor who introduced us then also to some other people: a British guy called Steven whose family has just moved to Hong Kong and he's following shortly after rounding up his job and their home here. What a nice guy! Stacks of nice people here!! Of course, that's something true of every country: there are ALWAYS wonderful people, wherever you go.

Anyway, here are some sights from the car...

Our stressed out chauffeur! ;-)    not really. :-)

Mrs hair.

Shibuya (a part of town)

in a "Got everything under the sun" store  (Tokyu Hands) after church. Jozie wearing a Sumo-wrestler mask/hat


hubby up to: no good!


Japanese board games. Or are they "Confusius"/Confusion games?

A cool Vesper bike. Lots of these around!

Fresh sushi on the moving table (conveyor belt from which you pick and choose what you'd like. Just chopstick it off!)

Can you feel it?! The 40degree heat is lasering through your skin and you're working up a sweat from the amble. Hear the music? Each shop pumping out its own. Even speakers with other music jamming out from lamp posts. Noisy (nice vibe though!), hot, sticky. Quite an atmosphere! Loads of quirky shops everywhere. Very artistic.

Aladin and his girlfriend hit Tokyo. Check out the harem trousers! Super wide!

Restaurant's window dressing.

more food being advertised. Typical

my girl!