Sunday 22 August 2010

Small Group this weekend

So we decided not to get lost for 2,5hours, but take the 1hour train ride instead. It was fun!
We had an amazing time and really felt very blessed. Making good friends from all over the world: Japan, Singapore, even another South African couple, Philapines, Americans. The highlight of our week.
The girls go off with the other kids to the park (Evie went too this week). They have lots of fun. And it was so nice for Michael and I to be alone and concentrate on something else. First time in ages.

So, here we go!

Shibuya train station


the train we've got to get on to (for 20min) with our buggy and baby-pouch

Off load!
nearly there!

heading home again - great street light atmosphere! Balmy weather in the evenings! Feels like Greece!

Josephine's new dead moth (moff) accompanying us home. She got some impressed looks from other kids!

Bambino and my love

team work - Schmidt feet!

enjoying a fireworks display on the Tama river (we were nearly home and watched it from an island in the middle of a big intersection (Kanpacchi-Dori)
Josephine was impressed!