Tuesday 17 August 2010

Hit and (miss?)....no, strike!

Guess what this is? Ok, I'm at an unfair advantage as I saw the nuts in all varieties of "choppedness" as well as some "vanilla essency" drop-looking stuff.
Any ideas? It's flour! Just ordinary white baking flour. Not self-raising, not rye or any other more healthy form. Just the stuff I was looking for! And lucky, despite the hints in the surrounding aisle area. Yeah!

We suspect quite strongly that Evie has a nut allergy of some sort - trying to see a doctor about it to double check though. (She gets scarlet circles next to her mouth as you may have spotted from previous photos. They come and go depending on what she eats.) So, as many biscuits and edible THINGS sold in the shops contain some nuts of whatever sort (sometimes they're not even visible....but they're there)...she flares up. Anyway, this was a major motivation for me to get baking before our container even arrived as somehow it is really nice to give them a snack of this sort from time to time.

So, I didn't quite get all the ingredients listed on the back, but she seems "ok" with it.

Here was our simple result before they got decorated. Simple? Yes. But I've just gotta blow my horn that I managed to buy the "right" ingredients! :-)

And the feast begins. (Our first teaparty with our new neighbours. Victoria is Josephine's age and also from Germany! They will be attending the same kindergarten, in the same class, too! How wow is that?!)

The kids did the mixing and baking and decorating. Was a fun activity for them all this afternoon - apart from all the jumping, dancing, chasing and yelling that was going on. :-)

Btw: we went swimming this morning. Jozie's ear is better and we kept it way out of the water to be safe. Was fun!