Wednesday 11 August 2010

Jozie sayings

At a friend from the church's house today, she had wonderful furniture and one wooden piece had brass little knobs embedded in it....
"Mamma, dis is just those bumps for da blind people. It's just bwail, Mamma."

On the way to the ENT today:
"Mamma, I just fink I going to get a new ear today."

"Mamma, my ear is so owa (German for "sore") dat I don't fink I can smile today."

On the way back from the ENT today:
"Mamma, my ear is just going to wun (run) away from dat fection (infection). My ear is going to gwow arms and legs and new ears and it's going to wriggle out of the fection and WUN far far away fwom dat infection."

Josephine's roses

For being so brave at the doctor today I told her she could get a special something at the shops on our way home. We walked past a florist and she begged for some flowers. Oh yes - that's a great idea. Better than sweets anyday! So she chose some very dainty little yellow roses. Beautiful things!
All the way in the car on our way home, she wanted to hold them and started telling me all the plans she had for them for the rest of the day, eg she wanted to show Victoria (a little friend living upstairs) etc.
Very assuradlly she said: "And Mamma. I just want to hold dem till dey die. And den, I gonna go stand in da rain and they will suck it all up and be fine again."
Me: "But Jozie, the flowers have been cut off from their roots. That means they can't suck it up like they used to (also then shooting myself in the foot for the argument they need to go into some water at home)..."
Jozie: "No, Mamma. Dat rain. It's just going to fall out of da sky and my woses are going to catch it. Like dis (clapping her hands together, woses going for a shake).
The cutest part was her animated face, wide eyes and ticking mind! Love watching her in the review mirror!

So, after convincing her that we should put them into a glass of water (our vases are on the big blue), she said: "Ja and Mamma, my woses are diiiiiiiiis big (arms stretch as wide as possible. Doesh go the roses against the car window) and dey, dey are going to need mega amounts of water. Ja. Dey gonna need a biiiiig biiiiiiiiig glass. Mamma. We only got teeny weeny ones at home. You gonna ask a giant for a giant glass he can lend us? I fink you can just ask a lady giant. She's going to lend me one I fink."