Wednesday 11 August 2010

My night out

Moving countries is a big thing. Everything is new. It's like you get a "clean slate" in some ways. Not really of course, but one does tend to think, "Well, what do I want written on my new slate?"
So for us, we wanted amongst lots of other things, to get a bit fitter. So Michael has joined a gym - he hid his tatoo. We don't want to be unrealistic in our expectations and thought 1x per week would be good. That way, we're not away too much from kids and all being together as a family. On the other hand, it's a little breather to be on one's own and doing something good.

So, yesterday I went to my first Pilates course. Won't go into boring details, but it was GREAT! I loved it! Never understood a word, but just copied the others and got by just fine.

Here are some pics of my night out!

"these feet were made for walking, and that's just what they'll do..."
Walking to train station to head for Tamagawa-Dori where studio is

sneak pic on train

Sunset on the "Tama" river (we live about 200m up the road on LHS from here)