Wednesday 3 March 2010

Little Josephine conversations

While sitting on the potty this evening wearing pajamas that have dozens of apples on them, Jozie said:

"And God said: You can't eat these apples Jozie. No, no, no. God says no Jozie."...pause..."but maybe the horses can eat them?"

For whatever unbeknown reason, she wanted to buy a rubbery spider as her reward after collecting her stars last weekend. So we now have a horrible creepy tarrantula with dangly legs that look quite real. Gives me the creeps! The other night she crawled into my bed with me in the early hours of the morning. I was just falling back to sleep when she suddenly realised that her spider was near her feet. So she reached for it and all I felt was this awful rubbery many-legged THING (actually called "Spiderman") being rescued towards her kissing lips. Ooooh! As I wasn't quite awake and probably up for a dream or so, it kind of sparked something off in me and I screamed. Josephine thought it was hilerious. You can imagine how she has been teasing me since with this THING!
Tonight she said, "Mamma, please stay with me. I scared of the shadows. You can help me with the shadows."
I said: "Josephine, Mamma can't stay with you for long, but we can pray and also ask God to look after you and make you feel better."  so we prayed...
afterwards she looked up at me and said: "Yes and God is everywhere. God is even wif Pappa while he is sweating (he's in Singapore). And maybe God can also help you not to be scared of my Spiderman".

To sum up for the day, I put a fresh (and new) douvet cover on her bed this evening: the very hungry caterpillar. She absolutely loved it! Was stroking it, bringing it things to eat, patting it. And when it came to story time, she didn't want us to sit on the edge of her bed as usual. no, no. Caterpillar would get squashed if we did that! She went and fetched me another chair and sat on her toybox while we read. Sat is probably not the most appropriate word. She had a wriggle bottom and was circling the bed, stroking, admiring, checking her caterpillar. Her favourite book was read without much attention given to it. Finally, however I was able to convince her that the caterpillar needed her hugs and to be kept warm, so she agreed to snuggle in and settle down.