Friday 19 March 2010

Evie's favourites

- Evie loves her new tricycle! Her whole body gets the shakes as she stretches and contracts every little muscle in her chubby legs in anticipation of getting on. She feels like she's part of the gang now!
- Evie just loves bathing with Jozie and I. Another reason to for her to get the jerks!
- She loves her food! Tries everything. But first tastes it. After it has been approved (and so far EVERYTHING has been approved apart from cauliflower), she opens her mouth to show off her one and only tooth and waits for it to be shovelled in at a decent rate. These days, she's however less interested in baby food and wants to grow up too fast. She loves pasta, chicken, pizza, bread, carrots, peas, you name it. Whatever I'm eating, she wants it. NOW! She surges backwards and forwards, eyes fixed on the prize to show me how urgently she wants whatever it is.
- Give her a long cooked piece of spaghetti and...that's entertainment. Passing the sticky thing from this hand to that. To mouth, to untangling it from between the little fingers, to mouth to dropping it. Whoever removes Evie from the highchair - beware. There are many strange things that drop from her clothing. Half chewed, sucked things that are hardly recognisable. Disgusting!
- Yesterday I thought: this child can't seriously eat everything besides cauliflower. So I put her to the test. I thinly spread some marmite on a finger of toast. Cunning, I know. I handed it to her with a smirk. The madam took it. Sucked on it, tasted it, didn't flinch. But in all fairness, it should be added (and it was really amusing to watch her do this) after about 5minutes, she simply stretched out her arm towards the edge of her little tablet and....the little sticky fingers relaxed and spread themselves out... and the toast got dumped. And this she did a few times without any further tasting/eating of it. She decided there were better things in life than eating marmite. Who can blame her?
-Evie loves hanging upside down and being swung around.
-She loves it when I play the guitar (my amateur strumming) for her.
-She loves doing our "We are family!" song and dance most evenings in the kitchen as a family when MIchael gets home.
-She loves pulling hair. Anyone or anything, including horses' manes. Grabbing handfuls of face is also good fun in her books.
-She smiles at me with a twinkle in her eye when I look at her and shake my head saying: "No, no, no Evie. Don't pull Mamma's hair." She knows!! Little thing!
-When she wants to go places and isn't quite getting there, she starts waving her arms frantically. This is where she gets her nickname "Little Windmill". I once said to Jozie that Evie is waving her arms like a windmill and since then Jozie (and now me too) call her "little windmill".
-She thrives on some personal attention (singing, playing, talking).
-She loves to click her tongue and we click to communicate. Brings lots of smiles to all of us.
-She makes lots of Dadadadada or Gagagagag or Nananananana sounds and babbles a lot.
-She gets distraught when I leave the room (as if I've just stepped off the edge of the world or so) ...cause for windmill arms and hard crying.
-she can clap her hands! Still an amateur, but does it when we sing our "Wind the bobbin up" song and others.
-she's quite good at picking small things up. She turns the objects over in her hands very well. Co-ords getting good!
-She's still doing bench presses, raising her body high off the ground, but no crawling yet. She manages to turn around like a clock, but that's about it at the moment. There's no rush.
-She's working on her 2nd bottom (centre) tooth right now. Quite a sensitive little soul whilst teething. Wakes often at night
-Sleeping from 18.30 - 06.30. Another nap at about 8.30am for an hour. Another nap at about 12pm for 90 minutes. Tired and crying a lot from 5.30pm onwards, but just got to get her through the last hour of the day. Usually I can cheer her up a bit with some supper. Sleep routine: supper, feed, pjs, dim lights and close blinds, sing her "Summertime" song while dancing with her, kiss her gently and whisper "Good night Evie Marie. Love you lots. Sleep well." then lie her down in her cot. She cries and wriggles a bit, but settles very quickly again.