Wednesday 10 March 2010

A chewing-gum situation

This morning we (Josephine, Evie and I) found ourselves in a sticky situation. I was unloading the groceries out of the car...Evie was still in her car seat waiting patiently....Josephine was in and out doing her thing. I had already carried my handbag in together with the car key....locked the car while the doors were still open so that all I had to do was fetch Evie and close the doors.
....I went back to the car to fetch the last bag and Evie....climbed into the back (it's a kombi/caravelle/mini bus)...Josephine was in and next thing I realised she had released the automatic door which started sliding closed on its own. Just before it went "click" into lock did I realise the potential problem. I dashed for the closing door, ...but was too late.
We were locked in the car!
I tried the door frantically. The alarm started. The doors were locked tight. The electric windows in the front were locked. Then I realised the one window on the sliding door was a manual sliding window. So, big Mamma had to brace herself for a tight squeeze. It was that, or sitting there for 7 hours in -8 degree weather with no food or water or blankets. I picked the squeeze.
What did the neighbours think? That our car was giving birth to a large woman in a yellow jacket? Maybe. Yikes, it must have been a sight. 30cm x 30cm I'd estimate. And for a muffin- look- tummy /post-pregnancy figure that was quite a feat! Yeah! I did it!
What a relief to get out of there! I really hit panic stations. On the one hand I didn't want Jozie to pick up that I was nervous, but hang, I can tell you it was hard not to! But her response was simply: "don't worry Mamma. We can call Spiderman to rescue us." followed by "Spiderman! Spiderman!"....
She still has such an innocence about her - the thoughts, her look, her mischivous eyes! Love her to bits, even if she shut us down today by accident. My Josephine!!