Friday 19 March 2010

Jozie sayings for today

Poking her nose into a box with Pappa's new motorbike helmet in it....

"Mamma! Mamma! Look!! Here's a dinasour egg!!"

Praying at the table:

"Dear Gawd. Tank you for da food. Amen.
.....And (squeezing her eyes shut tighter and tilting her head to one side shyly)...and dear Gawd. I sorry I do naughty fings. I so sorry. Please clean my heart. Make it like snow again. Ok Gawd? Ok. Amen."

In the lounge somewhere along the line today:
Me: "Look Jozie, Evie is not a small baby anymore. She's getting bigger now too. And soon she"
cut short...
"No Mamma NO! Evie just a little baby. I the big one. Not Evie. Evie just a tiny baby." and fetches a little baby toy to shove in her bewildered sister's hands.