Thursday 18 March 2010

Glorious Spring!

The day started with a nip, but within hours the sun came out! +17degrees! What a feeling!!! After weeks and weeks of snow, ice, serious chills....
We spent the whole day apart from naps, outside! Josephine raced (like a maniac!) up and down the driveway on her bike. Evie and I chased her. We went on several walks - to the river, to the horses, to a friend. It was gorgeous! Josephine shouted out "Mamma, mamma! The weather listened to me. The winter is gone away!" (she has been scolded the weather each day - from a little song she knows - saying "Go away winter!! Come on Spring!!"). Evie had a total ball chasing Josephine (shrieking with joy!) as I pushed her on her tricycle. It was a lot of fun! We also raked a few leaves up and Josephine got herself something to stand on to help fill the garden refuge bin. She was a big help!
And that was our day. Feeling quite invigorated after all that fresh air!