Monday 1 March 2010

Jozie sayings today

Putting Josephine to bed now....
"Mamma, I can be your mamma and you can be my Jozie. Ok Mamma? I be your Mamma."
me: "Ok Mamma, that's a good idea, I'll be your Josephine (giggles "yes"). And you can cook some food (laughing "yes") for me and wash my clothes (giggle) and look after Evie ("No!"). And I can have all your presents from yesterday and Puky (her bike) and Chestnut (her rocking horse).
"No Mamma no! You're too big to Puky! You can only fit in the car! Mamma! You too big to Puky. Don't sit on Puky. Puky too little to you! I going to buy you a sickle (bicycle). I going to buy Pappa a sickle too. I buy Pappa a huge sickle. And I buy you a middle-sized sickle. And I also buy Evie a sickle. I buy Evie a tiny sickle. (me goading her on with some chuckles and yeses) And I tell Pappa I getting too big to Puky soon. Pappa must lift the seat to Puky to me so I can also fit on Puky. And Pappa has to put the steering wheel up too.
me: "Wow, Jozie, I'm impressed that you have noticed your seat needs adjusting. You're a very clever little girl! Nothing misses your attention!"
"Yes Mamma. I just using my brains. I just got some brains and I just using them"
me: "lol!"
"Yes Mamma, I just going to go to work so you and Evie can get some money to food (to buy food). And then I can also buy Pappa and you and Evie a sickle. And then we can be a sickle family."

Edible. xxx

Setting: Evie crying in her highchair (food ain't getting to her fast enough out of the kitchen)
Josephine shouting to me: "Mamma, I can see Evie's tonsils!!!"
then Josephine scolding Evie: "Hey! Evie! You hurting my ears!!"

Setting: Evie crying after being put down to sleep.
Josephine telling me in passing: "Evie just scared of the shadows, Mamma."

(me feeling more sorry for Evie after that!)