Wednesday 3 March 2010

Little Evie moments

Today Evie, Josephine and I went to the music class. Evie loves this! Beams from beginning to end. Sways with the guitar being strum and shakes her bells with the others. She is by far the youngest there (it's actually a class for Josephine), but she's participating to her best ability! Very cute!

Evie also joins us for some exercise and fun in the garden and on the driveway. Jozie whizzes up and down on her bike while Evie pushes herself forward in her "wheelchair" (a walking ring but a name aptly given by I won't say who. :-)) She loves this activity, but starts freaking out when she finds herself stuck in a corner or against a mound of snow. She looks around desperately seeking out help. Jozie is quick to help and I often have to kind of step in there as Jozie likes to push her fast. Evie adores this, but I fear the action may rub off her toes which are dragging in the process. (she doesn't have proper shoes yet, only very soft leather ones which I think you can feel a lot through!)

Evie likes to click her tongue!

Evie refused to eat "baby food" at lunch today and "moaned" for the food off my plate. So she ate chicken, potato and peas. Not bad for an 8 month old!

She has 1 tooth, but flushed cheeks and a slight temperature. So I assume another one is on the way. Let's wait and see.

She is still being breastfed, but only before her naps and night sleep.

She has been in her own bed 3 nights completely on her own. And done much better than I thought! I am in our bed finally again with the monitor next to me. Not sleeping that well yet as I'm alone at home at the moment and kind of have my ears perked up in all directions waiting for a cry or potty call or whatever. Even when it's quiet, I'm waiting. How silly is that!?!

Evie has a hair-fettish. She is obsessed with touching, pulling, holding, stroking hair. Each time she gets a decent grip it makes her ripple with laughter. So in many cases, it's worth the agony. Josephine doesn't quite appreciate this as much, although when desperate times call for desperate measures, even she obliges Evie her fringe.

Evie tried the crawling position for the first time today! I was changing her nappy and of course she rolled over. Next thing she was digging her feet in the ground and lifted her bottom up into the air! Even Josephine was impressed! She did it several times, and also managed to push herself forward with this action. I think she'll be working on that some more tomorrow, I'm sure.

I don't know how to express this sound that she makes, but she is now clearly saying "Oh-oh!" in situations where something has fallen or come apart or dropped or so. She starts the first "oh" on a higher note and drops to a lower one on the second "oh". If you know what I mean! For those who know this saying, it's the first part of "Oh-oh, biddy biddy, oh-oh!"