Saturday 29 January 2011

Shimoda - day 2

On the second day we explored the Izu Peninsula. It was exotic and beautiful. Lots of coves, bays, beautiful islands and rocks jutting out. Our highlight on this day was a walk to a lighthouse. It was just so nice to be as a family, enjoying the nature, and doing things at our pace.

Josephine and Pappa visiting some fishermen at the end of a pier

fishing villages

start to our walk to the lighthouse

lots of aloes growing here - just like in SA at JBay

Josephine found herself a dried palm tree branch which worked well as a broom

the gates marking a temple/shrine ahead

Josephine loves climbing. Any challege (except walking!!) is up her street.


Spot Fuji-san again? It "floats" on the clouds! Breathtaking!

Fuji-san smoking a pipe. Just cloud, don't worry! Taken from the car on our way home.