Sunday 23 January 2011

Michael Ian

Words can never express our loss 5 years ago now.
Michael he is in heaven now - surely a much better place, without pain and suffering of any kind (physical, emotional, mental, etc)
Not sure what else to write right now. Days like these are always emotional and I am such a cry-baby as it is. Miss him so much and look forward to meeting again oneday.
Wish we could be with my parents on this day just to give them big hugs, sip coffee, talk.  May God give them and us the strength they/we need.

I so clearly remember the day this photo was taken. My mom took it. Michael lived in London and I was visiting from Germany. My mom suggested that the three of us go for a stroll to a nearby pub. "It's just down the road. Not far." So we agreed. And off we trotted innocently to her calling :-). We walked down a long hill, up an even longer one....the sun set...we walked...and walked. And we laughed about it all the way though - we were all 3 in such a good mood. My dad was supposed to meet us at the pub, but well...we were rather late. We were in such a silly mood so we stopped under a street lamp and took some night-light photos doing funny "moth" poses. This was one of the less mothy ones my mom took of Michael. And it was also the one used at his memorial service. I can hardly believe I haven't seen or spoken to him for 5 years.  Every little thing about his face in this photo, I remember so clearly as if I could just reach out and touch it again. I remember funny things like the lobes of his ears, or the way his eyebrows were, or his smiling eyes and the Michael-chuckle when he laughed. This photo reminds me of the good days: before he got sick, when all was well and we were just having fun. I like to remember those days. But I will also never forget how brave and loving he was in the last year of his life when he suffered. Some people build huge bronze or copper statues to remember someone who stood out in time. In my heart, I really have a kind of statute for my brother.
Until we meet again.