Tuesday 4 January 2011

Josephine's sleepy talk tonight

Stirring from her night sleep momentarily, in the dim light shining in from the passage, she sat bolt upright in bed, eyes blinking to see in the near darkness, eyebrows raised, one hand stretched out with all five fingers splayed as if to say: stop. don't move. listen to me. now. "Mamma, I need somefing to dwink. I want chocolate milk please. I not going to mess it I pwomise. Not one dwop. Not lots of dwops. Nofing. I'm not going to mess a fing. Kay?"
Me, smiling at her insistent reasoning, agreed.

Coming into the bedroom with some milk for her...
"Mamma. You fink dis is chocolate milk?"
me "Yes."
"Oh gweat."
...."Mamma my stockings are making me weally weally HOT. I need to take 'em off. (tugging on them, getting a wee bit frustrated." (Btw she fell asleep in her clothes as she passed out earlier than expected). I fetched some pajama pants and replaced the stockings. Sleepily she says slightly stressed out "You fink dese are da long ones? I just want da glitter ones!" Me...fumbling in the dark...."Yes, these are the long ones, the ones with bows on them, the ones you like."
Josephine interuppting me mid-sentence still half-asleep: "Hey! Coo-Coo! I'm talking to you! I want da glitter ones I said!"

Cheeky, yes, but nevertheless amusing! It's a little embarrassing to hear my own voice echoing through hers...