Saturday 29 January 2011

First ballet lesson!

Last week, Josephine had her first ballet lesson! I'm not sure who was more excited: me or her!? Anyhow, it took very little coaxing to get her ready in time!
We picked up our Japanese friends Mika and Tamaki and drove together to the venue.
The studio is mirrored all around with ballet bars to hold on to. Big windows on the one side above the mirrors letting the light stream in onto the well-polished wooden floor.
And then just perfecting the picture were 5 little girls with pale pink tutus on, white stockings, little slippers and buns in their hair. Not just any little girls....5 excited little girls!! And one of them...our Josephine.
Evie, of course, thought it was her moment to shine and so she ran from me into the middle of the room with her own little pink ballet skirt on, lifted her shirt up to expose her belly button to everyone watching and then proceed to do some of her toddler twirls and ended with a "headstand". It took a bit of coaxing to get her out of there, poor thing! I wished she could have joined in, but of course, she's still too small.

getting ready at home

just about ready to go!

Evie in the front and little ballerinas at the back

Megumi-san is their teacher. She is a professional ballet dancer herself and walks so elegantly!