Saturday 29 January 2011

Japanese teacher for dinner

Last night we had Michael's Japanese teacher, Ito-san and her husband, around for dinner. I prepared something special and we had 3 courses! We had herb salads  and mushrooms with parmasan for starters; bobootie and saffron rice for main course and some homemade strawberry icecream with fresh strawberries dipped in chocolate for dinner. Tea and some Rocher chocolates at the end.
Had a lovely time. Their English was quite good and so we were able to have a most enjoyable evening. Evie was already in bed when they came and Josephine was allowed to join us for a while as she had had a good midday nap earlier.
They brought lots of presents with them - quite a lot, I have to say (!) but quite usual for Japanese. Everything is so nicely packaged and wrapped. Mostly it was "sweets" (eg soyabeans or green tea & seaweed coated nuts). An acquired taste, but one which Josephine seems to have...well,....acquired quite quickly.