Friday 7 January 2011

Gotta vent!

This morning, was one of those mornings...making it one of those days...!! :-)

(Don't read this blog if you're in a bad mood, as this may just make it worse. Sorry! And this read is also not for sensitive or conservative readers.)

We had 2 doctors appointments. 1) ENT to check Josephine's grommets status (they should have dropped out by now, but one of them is hanging on for dear life and causing her some pain) 2) my worst hang out: the gynie, for standard checkup.
So, you know the routine: get up, have breakfast, clear the table, etc. Josephine runs off to put on her ballerina clothing and comes back with giggles, big smiles, twinkling eyes "Mamma! I just got a supwise for you! Ta-daaaaa!!! ...You like my ballewina cloves!?!". Aw, she's so cute, one's got to give it to her, but in the back of my mind I'm thinking "I've got to get ready in time...."and "Hmmm...what bribery is required to now get her OUT of her ballewina cloves and into some "normal" cloves." (Have I mentioned that she has now worn these ballewina fings for 3 days non stop (basically). She has even slept in them (snuck out of her bed in da middle of da night to silently put dem on. Yup.)
So....let me cut to the chase a little faster....we climbed into the car, pulled off (leaving on the last minute possible)....drove 2km and then I remembered I had left the pram standing in the garage and had forgotten to pack it into the boot. (My idea was to strap Evie in there, dish out a biscuit or two so she could get lost in her world of sugar for the few moments while I got my stuff done at the doctor. That idea was now shattered. There was no turning back and I started to imagine her either crying for me or climbing the walls in the doctor's room. An imagination that would later become my reality. Josephine, on the other hand is older. She is now also more well behaved than before and in these situations (only these! but thankfully these) can sit still (with a biscuit too) for about 5-10minutes, long enough for me to finish up, hopefully.)
So, we sang songs in the car to burn up the hour's drive to get there. Parked, jumped out, jackets on, encouraged Jospehine to run....quick! to that bicylce! let's race it!....pressed the lift button, breathed, pushed through the glass doors and cruised into the waiting room. All was in control.
"Please could you fill in these forms?" the receptionist asked, in English. (the reason I have to travel 1hr is for that luxury).
...sitting on the chair with the clipboard filling it in, majorly distracted with Evie standing on the seat covers with her trainers, Josephine trying to figure out the water dispenser machine thing. ....filling it out, filling it out. Handing it in. Names called. Phew. Josephine sat still (a big plus, and not taken for granted anymore) as the doctor examined her little ears. The one grommet is blocked, and hanging half out. Should have fallen out 2 years ago, but man, this one just loves Jozie too much to part from her. So, we give it 1 more month, afterwhich if it doesn't drop out on its own, it will have to be "removed".
Back in waiting room, now waiting for my appointment. "Please could you now fill out this form, for yourself?" Ok.
Same scenario. You know how dogs scratch in the ground for their bones. Sand flies in all directions. The dog doesn't care whose eyes it flies into or where the sand goes. As long as he finds his bone. Well, that is how Evie was in the block box. Blocks (wooden ones) were flying out. Nope, not that one. Fling! Nope, not that one, Wheeeeee! Doesch! Josephine trying to "Find Wally" in the overly-well-used waiting room book. Me filling in forms. No, I don't have allergies, or heart disease. {Actually, just writing this now, I think I shouldn't be so callous about ticking the no boxes. I should stop and say thank you that I can tick the no boxes. Those "yes" boxes are terribly loaded.} Anyway, hand the forms in. Josephine needs the toilet. You try squishing into a tiny toilet room area with 2 kids. I did try and sneak away from Evie for a moment, but she caught me in the same second and screamed. I took them both in. "Evie, DON'T play with the dustbins! They are YUCK!" And, "Josephine, make your pee-pee really fast now."
Name finally called. Step inside.
Nothing against French people, but this one...was a toughie. She was NOT impressed that I had brought my children with me. I got that from her up and down look. I would say that "the queen was not amused", but that would be inaccurate as she hardly resembled the queen, but rather some "natural" beauty, if you know what I mean. No make-up, colourful glasses, salt and pepper hair in a dead straight bob. (not that I have anything against any of that, at all. I'm just being picky now, as we just didn't click and I'm now on a roll). "You don't have a stroller?" she asked. "No, I don't have one here. Sorry." cut a long story short, I gave the kids a really lekker biscuit each, a toy to hold and sat them in the chairs there. Evie freaked. She didn't consent to me lying on the bed just 2m away. She climbed the back of the chair she was on, swung her leg over and nearly catapulted herself over. I jumped up, ran butt naked across the room to rescue her. The lady doctor put her instruments from hell down on the table firmly and said in her French accent: "I can-not work,  under these condition-es."
So, I left, with some words muttered and tear filled eyes. I went to pay, but they didn't know what to do with me at the reception as there was no bill through on the system yet, etc, etc. The doctor came after me and then convinced me to go back into her room and be seen to. She asked a nurse to look after Evie. At first I didn't want to be near this person for another second, but then I thought "Just get it over with and don't have to come back. But, we're here now..." So, I went in. Evie was taken by the nurse and instantaneoulsy  proceeded to inform the whole building of her displeasure. I heard her screaming all the way down the passage. But it apparently only took 5 minutes for her to calm down and then fall in love with the friendly Japanese nurse from whom she later did not want to depart from and felt most at home with.
Back in the exam room: I must now say that the whole procedure was discreet, so not even Jospehine could see anything. Before arrival, I had prepped her and given her the vague idea that they would take a peek, but that's it. She sat next to me and said "Mamma, are dey taking out your pwivate parts?" And "Mamma, is dis easy for you?" And "Mamma, you can hold my bumblebee if you want." Shame, she was so sweet! And again, just to reassure you, she was totally protected from any unseeable things as I was "camping out" in a near tent like thing.
Anyway, I was pretty shook up from it all and my nerves were shot.
We exited the whole Tokyo Medical and Surgical Clinic asap!!  "Let's get outta here!!!" I said.
Crossed the road, watched a monkey perform to it's master's call (a regular street entertainer outside Tokyo Tower)...the kids loved it. It's a cute little thing with a red face, very alert eyes and wearing some pajama clothes.It was nice to get some fresh air and watch the kids laugh a bit. Took a trot up to the car park. Paid a big parking bill (£15 for the 1hr15min) and drove ....home. What a relief to walk through the door. Safe, at last!
Kids fell asleep in the car and I carried them up one by one. Evie always wakes when the car stops (even at traffic lights), but she was so happy to be in her little bed, she just smiled up at me, as she actually always does, and rolled over to sleep. Josephine was another kettle of fish. I carried up the limp body which was lights out. But the very second her head touched the cooler pillow. Wham, bam, those eyes opened. And she then started protesting about why I hadn't told her we're home, or something. I told her to go right back to sleep. She didn't. She got strung up. We ended up watching a little tv on the couch together until Evie woke up.
By then, things were looking/feeling better. We had a late lunch, got dressed, packed in the bikes and kite and drove to Josephine's school. She did some rounds there on her bike, but couldn't wait to get to the kite which I had promised her early in the morning.
Flying a kite is very relaxing. Let's say, it's potentially relaxing. Josephine finds it frustrating, but that's only because she's young and still learning. But once one has it, it's wonderful. So we were running up and down the football field trying to keep Hello Kitty Kite in the air. Fun!! Even Evie got her toddler fingers around the string-handle thing and didn't want to let go. She would have happily dragged it around the field. ;-)
Then lastly, Pappa came and joined us at the school. He came home earlier today as he picked up his motorbike. Was great to see him and have him around.
Kids went to bed quite easily tonight and I had a great Skype time with my mom. Thanks mom!!

And now, bed is calling. It has been for the last hour and a half already, but I've been ignoring it. Now, it's really shouting at me, and I should heed it's call.
