Well, our silence on this end has had a good reason...
We had another move - just next door though, into a small holiday house - for 4-6 months while our home gets renovated. On the one hand, it was easier it being "just next door", but on the other hand it did end up being quite a lot of carrying. And the house had to be totally empty, even of light fittings, curtain rods, etc. It was a big job, but we did it over a week and it is amazing how super fast one can work while the kids are having their midday nap or so. They were both very good and helpful, I must say. And now we have settled into our temporary bode for the time being, and all is well.
Josephine and Evie are both doing well and growing up so quickly.
Since I last posted, I am very proud of Evie to say she is potty- trained (!!) and we have virtually no glitches during the day. Nights are still something we're working on...we take her to the potty at around 10pm, but she stillistly has a wet bed again by 2am, and cries. You know how some people can set up a tent in under a minute, well, in my own way, I have mastered changing sheets and bedding in record time during the might. Usually Evie settles again quickly, but the only hiccup with these nighttime activities is that I end up being wide awake for a good hour or two afterwards, rendering me half useful the following day. But she is OUT of nappies, and we are marching ahead through the nights in the hope that she will learn it. I actually dont know if thos is the best thing to do or not as i think she sleeps too deeply to notice nature's call. Will update on this score soon, but, I must say ghat she hasn't had 1 single accident this last week during the day. Yahoo!! And another thing: when she's doing big business, she asks us to leave her alone on the potty "mamma, I need my peace and quiet".
Josephine is also doing better now. She is much more settled at KG and is finding new friends. I think it is good for her. She collects stars for going with her chin held high and a smile on her face. But each time I kiss her goodbye she makes me promise to fetch her right on time. The last hour of KG, the children play outside. 5 minutes before sometime a little bell is rung. She hears it immediately and sprints as fast as she can to join the queue to go inside for their goodbye song. And as soon as the door opens towards the waiting parents, she nearly stampedes out of their with a HUGE grin on her face, lopsided ponytail and trailing jacket. Quite a sight, but too endearing to hear "mamma, I love you 50 70!!!"
Today on the way home, she observed that Jesus never got married and wanted to know why.
Curretly, her favourite words are "opaque", "graceful" and "nonsense". She is also experimenting with the word "hate". She has strict instructions that she can't use it irt people, but saying that she hates the cold weather is ok. So now she says she HATES the cold weather and repeats it endlessly.
Her friends play a very important role now as they play games I just can't keep up with. Her closest friends are Tamaki, angelique and jette. She still misses her friends in tokyo and spends a lot of time paging through her photo album of her friends.
She loves her cat Mitsu. Almost too much. This cat endures more than she should have to,. josephine rocks her to sleep, dances with her, puts her to sleep in a bed with a pillow, hugs (rather enthusiastically) and makes her sit in a chair. Last week took the cake though when she found some of my cream and makeup.... She put cream on mitsu's face; eyeshadow; generously applied glitter which clung for dear life to the cream creating a hard- to- remove substance and finally added a flower hairband under the chin so that hhe flower sat precisely between her ears. It was a sight. Poor Mitsu got banished outside due to falling glitter... And in the hope the rain would shower her off a bit.
Otherwise, Josephine's favourite preoccupation is getting dressed up and doing ballet/ dancing or building a house under my indoor wash lines. She also likes to play mamma, papa and nay with Evie being the papa, she being mamma and Mitsu the obliging baby.
Evie is also well and growing into such a sweet girl. She is a real mammas girl at the moment, which I am relishing. She loves to cuddle, talks endlessly ( and beautifully). She is very patient, very obedient and quite structured ( eg puts shoes away neatly as opposed to Josephine who leaves trails and heaps everywhere!)
Anyway, we have very poor Internet connection and typing with 1 finger on a phone is not that great, so I will end abruptly and say goodnight.
We're the mixed (up) clan who reign from South Africa (but originally from Scotland and Holland) and Germany. My great grandfather and mother and are part of the "Logan" clan. Also got a lot of Afrikaans blood in my veins. My husband, Michael, on the other hand is German...with a strong liking for burgers - the Mac sort. This leaves us with our nickname "McSchmidt"somehow bringing us both under the same umbrella and uniting our heritage. Do our poor kids have any hope with us lot as parents!?!
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Potty training Evie
Evie has cast aside her nappies, and this time, I think it's for good.
She's got some trainer pants but believes they are true panties. They look like panties but do have some sort of plastic lining to contain a dribble, nothing more.
So far, she's dry. We have had some accidents, but mostly she's been on time to say that she needs the toilet. That is, with pees, I mean.
She prefers to use the "big toilet" as opposed to the potty.
And she has been dry 6 nights now in a row too!!
She is getting stickers for every time she uses the potty.
Pees are fine. Poos are a little more challenging as she doesn't want to go....so, we're working on that one still.
She's got some trainer pants but believes they are true panties. They look like panties but do have some sort of plastic lining to contain a dribble, nothing more.
So far, she's dry. We have had some accidents, but mostly she's been on time to say that she needs the toilet. That is, with pees, I mean.
She prefers to use the "big toilet" as opposed to the potty.
And she has been dry 6 nights now in a row too!!
She is getting stickers for every time she uses the potty.
Pees are fine. Poos are a little more challenging as she doesn't want to go....so, we're working on that one still.
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Choosing a doll.
Evie is very mothering at the moment. And despite the fact that Josephine doesn't play with her Dolly all that often, she is not terribly keen on sharing her baby with her little sister (can't really blame her as she's had "Dolly" since she was 5 months old and if Evie gets a hold of it, she's going to get fully attached and there shall be war...)
Anyhow, I think it might be time to get Evie a special doll for herself. She loves playing with dolls...putting them to sleep, undressing, bathing, cuddling, smothering.
Anyhow, just spent 10minutes looking on Amazon for what's available. It seems that there are 2 popular ones: Baby Born and Baby Annabel.
Here are some comments from the other mums who have rated the dolls (the last one and can fully agree with!!
1) "My girls have both and definatley prefer "Baby Born". She can get wet which is a huge bonus."
2) ""Annabel" definitely"
3) "I have spent many hours of my life holding Annabel upside down and shaking her in an attempt to make her cry 'real tears' when her head is completely chockful of water fed to her from her little pink bottle. It is not a good example to a child of how to handle a newborn"
4) "Baby born is a pain to make cry and when you give her a bottle water gets everywhere."
5) "Noisy dolls with batteries are a pain. Especially after you leave them out in the rain and the "chuckle" function goes onto autopilot."
6) "Baby born is the most popular here. She wees and poos. what more could a small child want? And you can leave her out in the rain."
7) "squeeze her arm to make her cry real tears!"
8) "Baby Born - silent and bathable.
Baby Annabel - you'll be slitting your wrists come Boxing Day "
9) "Baby Annabelle looks better but the noise will drive you to the gin bottle."
10) "Baby Born has a freakishly large forehead, which is why mine isn't having it"
11) "I think the ugliest doll I've ever seen in my life is that chouchou first tooth one - it looks like a bulldog!"
12) "they all end up being dragged naked around the floor. Go for the cheapest"
Anyhow, I think it might be time to get Evie a special doll for herself. She loves playing with dolls...putting them to sleep, undressing, bathing, cuddling, smothering.
Anyhow, just spent 10minutes looking on Amazon for what's available. It seems that there are 2 popular ones: Baby Born and Baby Annabel.
Here are some comments from the other mums who have rated the dolls (the last one and can fully agree with!!
1) "My girls have both and definatley prefer "Baby Born". She can get wet which is a huge bonus."
2) ""Annabel" definitely"
3) "I have spent many hours of my life holding Annabel upside down and shaking her in an attempt to make her cry 'real tears' when her head is completely chockful of water fed to her from her little pink bottle. It is not a good example to a child of how to handle a newborn"
4) "Baby born is a pain to make cry and when you give her a bottle water gets everywhere."
5) "Noisy dolls with batteries are a pain. Especially after you leave them out in the rain and the "chuckle" function goes onto autopilot."
6) "Baby born is the most popular here. She wees and poos. what more could a small child want? And you can leave her out in the rain."
7) "squeeze her arm to make her cry real tears!"
8) "Baby Born - silent and bathable.
Baby Annabel - you'll be slitting your wrists come Boxing Day "
9) "Baby Annabelle looks better but the noise will drive you to the gin bottle."
10) "Baby Born has a freakishly large forehead, which is why mine isn't having it"
11) "I think the ugliest doll I've ever seen in my life is that chouchou first tooth one - it looks like a bulldog!"
12) "they all end up being dragged naked around the floor. Go for the cheapest"
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Josephine, Evie and I are down with colds and slight fever.
We spent the day at home playing games, drawing and watching movies.
Michael is being our fortress, again. ;-)
We spent the day at home playing games, drawing and watching movies.
Michael is being our fortress, again. ;-)
This last month we introduced the girls to Annie (the broadway musical on dvd with Aiyleen Quinn). Josephine and Evie love it and sing the songs all day, everywhere we go.
*Josephine calls the orphanage and "Orphan Village" and hasn't clicked it's an "Orphanage" which makes me think of her also saying "Good to up and eat!" instead of "Guten Appetit!"
* Evie copies Annie by saying "Oh BOY!!" and "LEAPING LIZZARDS!"
* And once they both copied the orphans who stomp on Ms Hinnagan's foot with their heel. That got them into some trouble from me after I had dealt with the shooting pain in my foot.
Boy, they have to separate reality from fantasty - QUICK!
Anyhow, here's what the girls sing ALL day long, in the car, in the bath, in the garden. Everywhere. So many people stop to comment on how beautifully they sing.
"The sun will come out
Gotta hold on out until
There'll be sun
..just thinking about
is gonna wipe away the tears
and sorrow
till there's none
You're only a day away.....
When you're stuck with a day
That's grey
and dreary
Then just stick out your chin
And grin
And say.........
You're only a day away....."
Repeat, repeat, repeat...
*Josephine calls the orphanage and "Orphan Village" and hasn't clicked it's an "Orphanage" which makes me think of her also saying "Good to up and eat!" instead of "Guten Appetit!"
* Evie copies Annie by saying "Oh BOY!!" and "LEAPING LIZZARDS!"
* And once they both copied the orphans who stomp on Ms Hinnagan's foot with their heel. That got them into some trouble from me after I had dealt with the shooting pain in my foot.
Boy, they have to separate reality from fantasty - QUICK!
Anyhow, here's what the girls sing ALL day long, in the car, in the bath, in the garden. Everywhere. So many people stop to comment on how beautifully they sing.
"The sun will come out
Gotta hold on out until
There'll be sun
..just thinking about
is gonna wipe away the tears
and sorrow
till there's none
You're only a day away.....
When you're stuck with a day
That's grey
and dreary
Then just stick out your chin
And grin
And say.........
You're only a day away....."
Repeat, repeat, repeat...
Slippery snakes!
On Friday night we spent a spontaneous and wonderful evening with friends from Tokyo in Suelfeld. We had a BBQ (prawns, vegetable scewers, mielies, avo salads, oooh, yummy!) and the kids played so nicely together. They have a daughter, Tamaki, who is Josephine's age and who was also in the same Kindergarten in Japan.
Their garden also has lots of little nooks and crannys with a super exciting pathway leading behind all the shrubbery and bushes around the back and side of the house. Their neighbours across the road are also great animal lovers and have 7 (?) cats, not to mention a litter of kittens too. Also, they apparently keep pet snakes upstairs. Well, guess where these two girls disappeared while we were chatting. We allowed them to stroked the cats who were in the front garden, but little did we know that they were invited upstairs to the snake room. Shiver!! :-)
On our way home, Josephine proudly declared she had stroke a snake and watched its tongue go "in and out; in and out wif a cut in it. And it was slippewy, Mamma and Pappa. And dat snake is only for Big girls, like me and Tamaki."
Well, the snake news sent enough of a chill, let alone that she had been in what is for us, a stranger's house. Our Japanese friends have also only moved in less than a month ago and don't know the neighbours well. So, of course, while the snakes were a creepy discussion, I was more keen to re-teach Josephine not to go off with strangers. Naivety is precious. But being careful is prudent. Oh for judgement. So, she looked at me with big blue eyes as I told her (again) that next time, she's not to go alone into someone's house or car. Ever. She must say "No thank you" and come to us. Or she can come and call Pappa or I and we will go with her to see the snakes or whatever. But she's not to go alone. I think she got the message.
As it turns out, it was a very friendly family indeed, thankfully.
Anyhow, they apparently also saw little new born kittens whose eyes were still closed and Josephine was allowed to hold the snake (and loved it. Yikes, not my genes there...) as well as the kittens. She loved it! urgh!
Their garden also has lots of little nooks and crannys with a super exciting pathway leading behind all the shrubbery and bushes around the back and side of the house. Their neighbours across the road are also great animal lovers and have 7 (?) cats, not to mention a litter of kittens too. Also, they apparently keep pet snakes upstairs. Well, guess where these two girls disappeared while we were chatting. We allowed them to stroked the cats who were in the front garden, but little did we know that they were invited upstairs to the snake room. Shiver!! :-)
On our way home, Josephine proudly declared she had stroke a snake and watched its tongue go "in and out; in and out wif a cut in it. And it was slippewy, Mamma and Pappa. And dat snake is only for Big girls, like me and Tamaki."
Well, the snake news sent enough of a chill, let alone that she had been in what is for us, a stranger's house. Our Japanese friends have also only moved in less than a month ago and don't know the neighbours well. So, of course, while the snakes were a creepy discussion, I was more keen to re-teach Josephine not to go off with strangers. Naivety is precious. But being careful is prudent. Oh for judgement. So, she looked at me with big blue eyes as I told her (again) that next time, she's not to go alone into someone's house or car. Ever. She must say "No thank you" and come to us. Or she can come and call Pappa or I and we will go with her to see the snakes or whatever. But she's not to go alone. I think she got the message.
As it turns out, it was a very friendly family indeed, thankfully.
Anyhow, they apparently also saw little new born kittens whose eyes were still closed and Josephine was allowed to hold the snake (and loved it. Yikes, not my genes there...) as well as the kittens. She loved it! urgh!
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Our weekly schedule
Monday mornings: usually do some grocery shopping and play with Evie at home; Josephine at KG from 9-11.30ish.
Monday afternoons: we go to Fallersleben playground to meet with some friends or do something at home.
Tuesday mornings: Josephine KG; Evie Kirchenmaese (sing/story/play group for toddlers)
Tuesday afternoons: 10km Cycle ride to gymnastics class for Evie and then Josephine (late pm for 45min each)
Wednesday morning: Josephine and Evie at home
Wednesday afternoon: Josephine ballet at 16.15 - 17.00
Thursday morning: Josephine KG and Evie swimming with Mamma
Thursday afternoon: Josephine horseriding around the corner with local friends and playdates
Friday morning: grocery shopping and playing with Evie while Josephine at KG
Friday afternoon: Josephine painting class at old castle with other little artists. Evie and I play in the gardens while we wait.
Saturday: family day
Sunday: church and family day
Monday afternoons: we go to Fallersleben playground to meet with some friends or do something at home.
Tuesday mornings: Josephine KG; Evie Kirchenmaese (sing/story/play group for toddlers)
Tuesday afternoons: 10km Cycle ride to gymnastics class for Evie and then Josephine (late pm for 45min each)
Wednesday morning: Josephine and Evie at home
Wednesday afternoon: Josephine ballet at 16.15 - 17.00
Thursday morning: Josephine KG and Evie swimming with Mamma
Thursday afternoon: Josephine horseriding around the corner with local friends and playdates
Friday morning: grocery shopping and playing with Evie while Josephine at KG
Friday afternoon: Josephine painting class at old castle with other little artists. Evie and I play in the gardens while we wait.
Saturday: family day
Sunday: church and family day
Evie happenings
Evie is now 2 years and 2 months.
- She's still got her red hair, but it's growing and even fits into a single ponytail at the back.
- She's brilliant with hairwashing, but hates it being brushed.
- She loves eating all her food and trying new ones. She also loves to pick from my plate and often enjoys to take a step or two backwards and wants to be fed. She still wears a bib.
- She also still wears nappies. I tried to potty train her at around 22 months as Josephine was trained by then too and I thought it was going to be another simple matter. But the two children are entirely different on the matter. Evie went along with it in the beginning, but surpressed certain urges or released them on unwanted occassions. And so, we reverted to nappies again and since then she insists that "EVie wants a FWESH nappy." or "Leave Evie's nappy on!!" or "Evie a little baby. Evie wants nappy." or "Evie doesn't like potty. Evie wants nappy."
-Evie talks very well, I think! She makes sentences with up to 15 words in it, using nouns, verbs, prepositions and articles. She still has a baby pronounciation, but generally most people can understnad her quite clearly, if they can speak English that is. In the same breath, I must add that she uses a lot of German words too.
- Evie knows her address, telepone number and surname.
- Evie loves to go swimming, she loves to jump on the trampoline, she loves to play in the sandpit.
- Evie loves balls (to throw and kick), but doesn't like riding a balance bike (Puky 1) herself too much.
- Evie misses Josephine while she's at KG, and Michael while he's at work asking for them both a lot. But, at the same time, she loves to have full attention for the 2-3 hours she's alone with me.
-Evie loves dogs (!) and cats. But she's not so keen on picking up insects or bugs and freaks when she sees a bee or even a fly flying towards her.
- Evie loves the bath
- her favourite movie is "Annie" and she sings "Tomorrow" really beautifully at the top of her voice (I MUST record it).
- she is a BRILLIANT sleeper. We read a story together and then I hold her hand in her bed for 1 minute. Then she lifts her head up to say "You can come back later". That's her way of saying "You can go now! I'll be alright. See you in the morning!"
- she has beautiful brown eyes.
- she often has a serious look on her face
- when she laughs, her little mouth has a cute curl and she closes her eyes.
- she has sharp ears and never misses a beat in a conversation, chirping in to our surprise (often!)
- she talks so much that sometimes I have to ask her to please keep quiet so that the others can have a chance to say something too.
- she loves to play with dolls and stuffed toys (her Puppy is still her favourite)
- she also fancies doing puzzles and building towers with her blocks
- she loves reading and will snap up every chance I offer to read her a book. She would happily sit and read through books for up to an hour, if I could manage it.
- she loves eating my mints which are small enough for her not to choke on
- she loves to cuddle, be close and holds my hand whenever we're walking somewhere
-she has the cutest run - a nappy run. She throws her legs outwards with her arms flapping in the air in an awkward attempt to keep her balance. She's getting faster, but is still a bit flappy/floppy ;-)
- she always heads for children the same height and age as her and has recently been asking me "where are Evie's fwiends. Evie also wants fwiends." (at the moment, there are lots of children in Josephine's age group living nearby, but we have to go to organised events to find some friends for Evie)
-Evie sleeps 12 hours at night (8pm - 8am) and has a 2 hour nap during the day (12 -2pm). She's always fresh and seldom tired which keeps her in generally a very good mood.
- she's an easy / uncomplicated child and very much loved!!!!!!!
- She's still got her red hair, but it's growing and even fits into a single ponytail at the back.
- She's brilliant with hairwashing, but hates it being brushed.
- She loves eating all her food and trying new ones. She also loves to pick from my plate and often enjoys to take a step or two backwards and wants to be fed. She still wears a bib.
- She also still wears nappies. I tried to potty train her at around 22 months as Josephine was trained by then too and I thought it was going to be another simple matter. But the two children are entirely different on the matter. Evie went along with it in the beginning, but surpressed certain urges or released them on unwanted occassions. And so, we reverted to nappies again and since then she insists that "EVie wants a FWESH nappy." or "Leave Evie's nappy on!!" or "Evie a little baby. Evie wants nappy." or "Evie doesn't like potty. Evie wants nappy."
-Evie talks very well, I think! She makes sentences with up to 15 words in it, using nouns, verbs, prepositions and articles. She still has a baby pronounciation, but generally most people can understnad her quite clearly, if they can speak English that is. In the same breath, I must add that she uses a lot of German words too.
- Evie knows her address, telepone number and surname.
- Evie loves to go swimming, she loves to jump on the trampoline, she loves to play in the sandpit.
- Evie loves balls (to throw and kick), but doesn't like riding a balance bike (Puky 1) herself too much.
- Evie misses Josephine while she's at KG, and Michael while he's at work asking for them both a lot. But, at the same time, she loves to have full attention for the 2-3 hours she's alone with me.
-Evie loves dogs (!) and cats. But she's not so keen on picking up insects or bugs and freaks when she sees a bee or even a fly flying towards her.
- Evie loves the bath
- her favourite movie is "Annie" and she sings "Tomorrow" really beautifully at the top of her voice (I MUST record it).
- she is a BRILLIANT sleeper. We read a story together and then I hold her hand in her bed for 1 minute. Then she lifts her head up to say "You can come back later". That's her way of saying "You can go now! I'll be alright. See you in the morning!"
- she has beautiful brown eyes.
- she often has a serious look on her face
- when she laughs, her little mouth has a cute curl and she closes her eyes.
- she has sharp ears and never misses a beat in a conversation, chirping in to our surprise (often!)
- she talks so much that sometimes I have to ask her to please keep quiet so that the others can have a chance to say something too.
- she loves to play with dolls and stuffed toys (her Puppy is still her favourite)
- she also fancies doing puzzles and building towers with her blocks
- she loves reading and will snap up every chance I offer to read her a book. She would happily sit and read through books for up to an hour, if I could manage it.
- she loves eating my mints which are small enough for her not to choke on
- she loves to cuddle, be close and holds my hand whenever we're walking somewhere
-she has the cutest run - a nappy run. She throws her legs outwards with her arms flapping in the air in an awkward attempt to keep her balance. She's getting faster, but is still a bit flappy/floppy ;-)
- she always heads for children the same height and age as her and has recently been asking me "where are Evie's fwiends. Evie also wants fwiends." (at the moment, there are lots of children in Josephine's age group living nearby, but we have to go to organised events to find some friends for Evie)
-Evie sleeps 12 hours at night (8pm - 8am) and has a 2 hour nap during the day (12 -2pm). She's always fresh and seldom tired which keeps her in generally a very good mood.
- she's an easy / uncomplicated child and very much loved!!!!!!!
You know you live with small children when
You know you live with small children when...
1) half the water from the bath is on the floor next to it
2) you continually feel the fine sand from the sandpit under your feet in the bedroom, in the kitchen....everywhere - no matter how often you vacuum or sweep...it's there!
3) you find Hansel and Gretel trails of bread or biscuit leading you straight to the culprit
4) you tidy up and 15 minutes later you ask yourself why and what for
5) you nearly always drink your coffee or tea cold
6) you start trimming and dying your own hair instead of going to a hairdresser, due to lack of time
7) your knees and ankles get toughened from all the "horse" riding that gets done on your back
8) you find watching a show like NCIS or CSI shocking after Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.
1) half the water from the bath is on the floor next to it
2) you continually feel the fine sand from the sandpit under your feet in the bedroom, in the kitchen....everywhere - no matter how often you vacuum or sweep...it's there!
3) you find Hansel and Gretel trails of bread or biscuit leading you straight to the culprit
4) you tidy up and 15 minutes later you ask yourself why and what for
5) you nearly always drink your coffee or tea cold
6) you start trimming and dying your own hair instead of going to a hairdresser, due to lack of time
7) your knees and ankles get toughened from all the "horse" riding that gets done on your back
8) you find watching a show like NCIS or CSI shocking after Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.
Vegetarian self serve
In Spring time, we planted some beans, radishes, carrots and butternut squash.
It was a wonderful experience to plant, water and watch them grow.
And just as wonderful to pick, wash, trim and eat them.
The carrots are little ones, but very sweet. The first ones we took out were pygmy carrots - we couldn't wait for them to grow bigger. But now, they're about as big as my small finger. Josephine is so excited when she spots another "big" one that's ready for picking and eating.
Evie has in the meantime caught on...and since then I have found trails of carrot top trimmings and a little toddler munching on small carrots which she has harvested alone secretly. She seems to accept that the soil belongs on there and munches through it. "Evie found da cawwots, Mamma! And Evie eating da cawwots!!! Mmmmm!" :-)
It was a wonderful experience to plant, water and watch them grow.
And just as wonderful to pick, wash, trim and eat them.
The carrots are little ones, but very sweet. The first ones we took out were pygmy carrots - we couldn't wait for them to grow bigger. But now, they're about as big as my small finger. Josephine is so excited when she spots another "big" one that's ready for picking and eating.
Evie has in the meantime caught on...and since then I have found trails of carrot top trimmings and a little toddler munching on small carrots which she has harvested alone secretly. She seems to accept that the soil belongs on there and munches through it. "Evie found da cawwots, Mamma! And Evie eating da cawwots!!! Mmmmm!" :-)
Guess how much I love you
Me to Josephine: "I love you as BIG as the SKY!!"
Josephine to me: "I love you as big as the whole EARTH and the SKY!!!"
Me to Josephine: "WOOOOOW!!!! ....and...I love you as big as the PLANETS!"
Josephine to me: "BOOOOAA!! ....and I love you .... as big as the STARS!!! And the SKY!!!"
Me to Josephine: "WOW! That's a LOT!! And I love you as big as the stars and the sky too!!"
Josephine to me: "And I love you as BIG as GOD'S HAND!!!"
...isn't that beautiful!? As big as God's hand. Boy, that's big!
Josephine to me: "I love you as big as the whole EARTH and the SKY!!!"
Me to Josephine: "WOOOOOW!!!! ....and...I love you as big as the PLANETS!"
Josephine to me: "BOOOOAA!! ....and I love you .... as big as the STARS!!! And the SKY!!!"
Me to Josephine: "WOW! That's a LOT!! And I love you as big as the stars and the sky too!!"
Josephine to me: "And I love you as BIG as GOD'S HAND!!!"
...isn't that beautiful!? As big as God's hand. Boy, that's big!
Facials and wands
Just how can you be cross with a 4,5 year old who:
...has wandered out of bed (an hour after being tucked in) with about 10 little round "Hello Kitty" stickers stuck on her face so that she looks like she's having acne treatments done or something....she stands in the doorframe virtually unaware of her ongoing facial treatment (long forgotten) and looks frustrated...."where is my wand? I NEED my wand!!!"
Of course, of course, with an inner smile and an imagined jaw dropped open, I ask her to say please and why on earth she would be needing a wand at 9.30pm. It's bed time, I insist. No, she NEEDS that wand. Finally, I do find out it's not a wand she needs, but a special pencil which Kenji, Ion and Perry just sent her in the post from Japan which has a swinging jewel on the top.
...has wandered out of bed (an hour after being tucked in) with about 10 little round "Hello Kitty" stickers stuck on her face so that she looks like she's having acne treatments done or something....she stands in the doorframe virtually unaware of her ongoing facial treatment (long forgotten) and looks frustrated...."where is my wand? I NEED my wand!!!"
Of course, of course, with an inner smile and an imagined jaw dropped open, I ask her to say please and why on earth she would be needing a wand at 9.30pm. It's bed time, I insist. No, she NEEDS that wand. Finally, I do find out it's not a wand she needs, but a special pencil which Kenji, Ion and Perry just sent her in the post from Japan which has a swinging jewel on the top.
Josephine's body language
I love it when Josephine recounts a story or tries to explain something:
She uses her hands and fingers a lot while talking. Watching her closely, you can actually see her painting in the air with her fingers and kind of drawing in the air what she's talking about. So if she tells you about a rabbit, she'll squiggle a circle and then loop up some big ears.
It's most endearing to watch her little fingers fly through the air as she visualises her tale.
She uses her hands and fingers a lot while talking. Watching her closely, you can actually see her painting in the air with her fingers and kind of drawing in the air what she's talking about. So if she tells you about a rabbit, she'll squiggle a circle and then loop up some big ears.
It's most endearing to watch her little fingers fly through the air as she visualises her tale.
Moving on
Probably due to the fairy tales, Josephine is constantly on the alert for her prince. She fully believes she is a princess (and I do confess to confirming this belief by calling her our little princess, etc) and so, she wants to complete her fairy tale...
Sam was her prince in England.
And Kenji is her prince in Japan. Sam got a little left in the dust when she fell in love with little Kenji (5 years old and in the same Kindergarten group). Kenji is the bees knees. She loved to play football with him, dig up ant hills, collect flowers and chicadas with him. And he always looked after her and included her in all the boy games. She was the only girl there who was allowed into the gang (personally, I believe it only to be because she liked to kick the ball with them and can run fast too). Anyhow, she misses her Kenji and other boy friends very very much since living back in Germany.
Anyhow...we're planning on doing some changes to the house so we can all sleep upstairs together and have the living space downstairs. At the table, chatting about maybe getting some changes to the house done, Josephine pointed out:
"Oooooh, dat sounds lovely! And when you are finished wif our castle, den Kenji and I will get mawwied and we will live in the tower part. And you and Pappa can put up a tent in the garden and Evie can have a baby tent. Then we can all be together but I can have my peace and quiet."
Me: swallow and laugh ;-)
Sam was her prince in England.
And Kenji is her prince in Japan. Sam got a little left in the dust when she fell in love with little Kenji (5 years old and in the same Kindergarten group). Kenji is the bees knees. She loved to play football with him, dig up ant hills, collect flowers and chicadas with him. And he always looked after her and included her in all the boy games. She was the only girl there who was allowed into the gang (personally, I believe it only to be because she liked to kick the ball with them and can run fast too). Anyhow, she misses her Kenji and other boy friends very very much since living back in Germany.
Anyhow...we're planning on doing some changes to the house so we can all sleep upstairs together and have the living space downstairs. At the table, chatting about maybe getting some changes to the house done, Josephine pointed out:
"Oooooh, dat sounds lovely! And when you are finished wif our castle, den Kenji and I will get mawwied and we will live in the tower part. And you and Pappa can put up a tent in the garden and Evie can have a baby tent. Then we can all be together but I can have my peace and quiet."
Me: swallow and laugh ;-)
Mind your language...
Josephine's first bad word came out!
It's a "milestone" I didn't really deeply consider or certainly want. I know it's virtually inevitable that they hear these words around them and try them out, but I want to teach her it is wrong.
[Background to the story]Sitting in the car on the way home, we were singing along, the three of us, and then all of a sudden and out of the blue she called me something bad. Firstly, I might add, that we have heard this word being thrown around by children nearby who are a little older and less disciplined. After her repeating this word that day, I explained to her that it was very rude and disrespectful, etc, etc. And I told her that we'd wash her mouth out with soap if she used it again. So she knew. Anyhow, as I said... she tried it in the car on the way home. I slammed on anchors, spoke strongly to her and said that when we get home I'd put some soap on her tongue. She freaked, of course, holding her mouth in anticipation of the awful taste.
To put your own mind at ease (and mine too when I read this in years to come), the whole process was 5 seconds and not as bad as it sounds. I think it's 99% in the mind and well, I hope (!) it's enough of a "threat" to put her off using it again so candidly.
[story]While kissing and making up in the bathroom after this episode, I was sitting on the closed toilet seat, and she was standing in front of me stuffing tiny rolls of toilet paper up her nostrils to stop it from running (that's her way!)...
Can you imagine the serious discussion that follows with two "toilet paper cones" pointing out of each nostril like tusks...
Josephine clearly pointing out to me: "Mamma, when you shout at me like dat, den I'm not going to be your daughter anymore! Den I am going to Not be your daughter anymore."
Me bemused by her "tusks" but seriously shocked because this was the first time she said something like that: "But Josephine, I don't want to shout at you. And I don't like shouting at you. But when you call me ugly things, then I will sort you out. YOU mustn't swear, and then I won't need to sort you out."
Josephine (continuingly twisting the toilet paper higher and higher up her nostrils: "Mamma, you make me so cwoss I going to sweat! And den I use dose bad words!! ...and if you shout at me like dat, den I won't be your daughter anymore. Den I will ask Mary Poppins to look after me and Evie. She is always kind and never gets cwoss."
Me feeling quite hurt by these new words which dug deep actually started to cry!
She then actually reaslied she had gone too far with telling me she didn't want to be my daughter anymore...she threw her arms around me, comforting me desperately. Then she dashed to the toilet paper, made two further cones and proceeded to stuff them up my nostrils. So I sniffed, and laughed and sniffed and we hugged like two crazy nutters.
Oh dear...the time of babyhood, toddlerhood and even very small girl time is coming to a close...she's getting bigger, pushing boundaries, being far more independent, and sometimes pushing us away. On the other hand, she still needs lots of cuddles, love, reassurance and help.
It's a "milestone" I didn't really deeply consider or certainly want. I know it's virtually inevitable that they hear these words around them and try them out, but I want to teach her it is wrong.
[Background to the story]Sitting in the car on the way home, we were singing along, the three of us, and then all of a sudden and out of the blue she called me something bad. Firstly, I might add, that we have heard this word being thrown around by children nearby who are a little older and less disciplined. After her repeating this word that day, I explained to her that it was very rude and disrespectful, etc, etc. And I told her that we'd wash her mouth out with soap if she used it again. So she knew. Anyhow, as I said... she tried it in the car on the way home. I slammed on anchors, spoke strongly to her and said that when we get home I'd put some soap on her tongue. She freaked, of course, holding her mouth in anticipation of the awful taste.
To put your own mind at ease (and mine too when I read this in years to come), the whole process was 5 seconds and not as bad as it sounds. I think it's 99% in the mind and well, I hope (!) it's enough of a "threat" to put her off using it again so candidly.
[story]While kissing and making up in the bathroom after this episode, I was sitting on the closed toilet seat, and she was standing in front of me stuffing tiny rolls of toilet paper up her nostrils to stop it from running (that's her way!)...
Can you imagine the serious discussion that follows with two "toilet paper cones" pointing out of each nostril like tusks...
Josephine clearly pointing out to me: "Mamma, when you shout at me like dat, den I'm not going to be your daughter anymore! Den I am going to Not be your daughter anymore."
Me bemused by her "tusks" but seriously shocked because this was the first time she said something like that: "But Josephine, I don't want to shout at you. And I don't like shouting at you. But when you call me ugly things, then I will sort you out. YOU mustn't swear, and then I won't need to sort you out."
Josephine (continuingly twisting the toilet paper higher and higher up her nostrils: "Mamma, you make me so cwoss I going to sweat! And den I use dose bad words!! ...and if you shout at me like dat, den I won't be your daughter anymore. Den I will ask Mary Poppins to look after me and Evie. She is always kind and never gets cwoss."
Me feeling quite hurt by these new words which dug deep actually started to cry!
She then actually reaslied she had gone too far with telling me she didn't want to be my daughter anymore...she threw her arms around me, comforting me desperately. Then she dashed to the toilet paper, made two further cones and proceeded to stuff them up my nostrils. So I sniffed, and laughed and sniffed and we hugged like two crazy nutters.
Oh dear...the time of babyhood, toddlerhood and even very small girl time is coming to a close...she's getting bigger, pushing boundaries, being far more independent, and sometimes pushing us away. On the other hand, she still needs lots of cuddles, love, reassurance and help.
Friday, 29 July 2011
Summer holiday photos #2
Inside Scrubby: everything we need! We all 4 sleep on the bed at the back!
Our girls
Having breakfast together.
Evie inside the Luebeck cathedral. She actually "posed" for this photo.
Luebeck cathedral. Can you see Michael (in red shirt) and Josephine?
the cathedral - all white, very light.
Beautiful gothic arches. Over 1000 years old. Steeple destroyed in war, but rebuilt.
Summer holiday photos #1
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