Tuesday 27 September 2011

Potty training Evie

Evie has cast aside her nappies, and this time, I think it's for good.

She's got some trainer pants but believes they are true panties. They look like panties but do have some sort of plastic lining to contain a dribble, nothing more.

So far, she's dry. We have had some accidents, but mostly she's been on time to say that she needs the toilet. That is, with pees, I mean.

She prefers to use the "big toilet" as opposed to the potty.

And she has been dry 6 nights now in a row too!!

She is getting stickers for every time she uses the potty.

Pees are fine. Poos are a little more challenging as she doesn't want to go....so, we're working on that one still.
